Campaigns for the & # 39; Yes & # 39; in the anti-corruption consultation – Congress – Politics


There was a group for the abstention and none for the "No".

  Anticorruption Advisory Firms

The rubrics were delivered in about 150 boxes


July 12, 2018, 19:34

The National Electoral Council (CNE) reports that 34 committees of promoters have been registered for the anti-corruption consultation to be held on August 26th.

33 committees go for the "yes", there is no For the "Yes" committees of Barrancabermeja, Cali, Tocancipa, Barranquilla, Medellin, Popayan, Apartadó, Villamaría, Malambo , Manizales, Valledupar, Espinal, Bogota, Funza, Usiacuri, Bucaramanga. , Piedecuesta, La Dorada, Anserma and Pitalino

For the abstention there is only one committee in Yopal, Casanare called for constitutional truth & # 39; 39 ;.

The main challenge of the promoters of the initiative – promoted by Senator Claudia Lopez and the representative in the House Angelica Lozano – will be to get 12 million citizens to go to the polls to cross the threshold.

The following are the points of consultation

1: reduce salaries or members of Congress and senior state officials.
2: prison to bribe them and forbid them to contract again with the state
3: compulsory public procurement throughout the country
4: public budgets with participation of citizenship
5: Congress members are accountable for their presence, voting and management.
6: make public the properties and unjustified income of elected officials and extinguish the domain
7: no longer be in power:


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