Dependencies that the use of the cell phone can generate – News Technology – Technology


Do you feel like you spend many hours a day checking your mobile phone? The first thing you do when you get up is to look at the notifications?

To understand the relationship between the everyday lives of Colombians and smartphones, Motorola conducted an investigation and determined that the level of dependence is such that 48% of Colombians prefer to resign to have relationships. bad for a month before your cell phone.

It is curious, moreover, that more than 33 percent admitted that the smartphone is their best companion in the bathroom. In fact, 23% of users said they were checking their smartphone during funerals and 19% were watching it while they were bathing.

The research, which took into account the opinion of 24,000 users between the ages of 10 and 70, revealed that of the five user profiles established in the country, the most common was level 3: dependent. With 38%, these people define when and where to use the phone or not; However, they feel anxious when 10% of the battery capacity remains.

The second largest group in Colombia, at 34.6%, is Level 2: Conscious. These people live with their mobile phone, not in it. They intelligently use the phone to save time and energy that they could invest in things that really matter to them.

The third category that registered the most users was Level Four: Enamorado. People who share this profile have a romance called "them and their phone". At this point, they may hurtle down the slope until they become obsessed. "Your phone is never turned off, in the evenings, next to his bed, sometimes they feel multitasking while in fact they are multidistraen," says the survey.In this clbadification, a percentage of 17.76% was recorded.

Then there is the level one: Sapiens.They simply use their phone for the basics: make calls.They do not send messages because they call social networks have accounts, but in reality very few use them.This category recorded 8.73% of Colombians.

It is worthwhile to recognize that the level that registered the most small number of users was five: Fiat. Users badociated with this profile never stop using their phone.It is the first thing they check. in the morning, before going to sleep .

"Separation from his cell phone, even A few minutes makes you feel stressed. It's a negative reality, since the relationship with their cell phone overshadows the precious relationship they have with their family and friends, "said the publication.

How's the Region?

Motorola also conducted the study in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Peru, and found that 54% of Latin Americans would be willing to give up their smartphone for a month rather than bad Although it also means that almost half prefer the opposite.

On the other hand, 15% of users in the region spend 24 hours of their day with the device at hand In addition, 65 percent of Latin American participants check their phones for notifications before getting up in the morning and 74 percent said that they would probably check their cellphone as soon as the # 39, one of their friends at so do


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