FARC: Accountability for abductions


The Special Peace Jurisdiction, inaugurates today the stage of recognition of truth and responsibility on kidnappings attributable to former FARC.



The 32 main executives of Old Farc, among them, Rodrigo Londoño ("Timochenco"), his last boss, will appear today for the first time to the Special Court of Peace to respond to at least 5,351 kidnappings in the past 19 years. [19659005AveccetteauditionlePECouvriralavoiedelareconnaissancedelavéritédelaresponsabilitéetdeladéterminationdesfaitsetconduiralescasderétentionillégalesignalésethiérarchisésparleBureauduProcureur[19659005]. the former guerrillas with their defense council or ex officio attached to the autonomous defense system, duly accredited.

The CEP, by mandate of the law, administers transitional justice, autonomously, preferentially and exclusively against serious violations of international humanitarian law, or acts committed before December 1, 2016, for just cause, at Occasion or in direct or indirect relation with the armed conflict.

At the beginning of the proceedings, scheduled for 2.30 pm in the afternoon, the magistrates will express the duties of the conditionality regime and will hand over to the convoked the report of the Office of the Prosecutor with their respective attachments. Similarly, they will provide the missing País Libre Foundation databases, so that they can inform the Chamber of their work in advance to determine where the "illegally suspected suspects" are located by the former. FARC and commit to continue said work also before this jurisdiction. After the peace agreements, the Fundación País Libre stopped working in March 2017.


In application of the methodology of prioritization of cases and situations, the Recognition Room has realized a first phase – regroupement-, on the basis of the information received until 21 June 2018, which enabled them to build and delimit provisional universes of their competence.

In a second step, he concentrated the cases or situations already grouped, in respect of which there is information that allows both a model badysis, and the detailed identification of the persons responsible. possible.

Magistrates reviewed all information regarding the possible liability of former FARC members and members of the Force. Public However, he focuses his work on the illegal retentions attributable to the FARC.

Supports [1965] 9004] Two reports supported the study. The first, an inventory of the internal armed conflict and the other, a report of illegal detentions attributed to the FARC, both carried out by the Attorney General's Office.

The reports are based on 312 sentences for related facts, which engage the members of the demobilized insurgent organization.

Of the 312 sentences pronounced throughout the country, 68 concern members of the former staff (former secretariat) of the former Farc.

It also badyzed, in a preliminary manner, 42 judicial files sent by various judicial authorities, including the Supreme Court of Justice, related to illegal detentions attributable to the FARC. It has also taken into account the databases provided by the Fundación País Libre (now obsolete) on the persons who would be held by the FARC and whose whereabouts are unknown

In addition, the magistrates have two other reports submitted by the National Center for Human Rights. Historical Memory, which compiles the cases of abduction carried out in the different stages, with all the actors.

Based on these contributions, the Chamber focused on the study and systematization of information on illegal detentions of persons adopted by the Farc in the period between 1993 and 2012.

Period Studied

According to these same sources, in this period of military expansion of the FARC, the illegal retention of persons was adopted as a mode of operation of the organization, expressly, of the Eighth Guerrilla Conference to ban this practice in 2012.

In this phase of greatest escalation, They paid the 5,351 kidnappings of the FARC. Others have been attributed to ELN, common delinquency and paramilitary groups.

In principle, the deductions had at least three different objectives: a significant number of them had the main purpose of charging parents and parents with large sums of money. the freedom of the detainees, others were used as a form of pressure on the national government. In other cases, they were made in order to demonstrate control of the civilian population.

Although both reports of the Office of the Prosecutor indicate that there are illegal detentions attributable to the FARC before 1993 and after 2012, the House of Reconnaissance was concentrated in this period since they would have been ordered from the highest instances of decision of the subversive organization.


There are currently 6162 abduction investigations by the FARC, with 8163 casualties. "In a preliminary form, it can be badociated with the temporary space in which these retentions are more representative, both in the subjective (presumably by the determination of leadership) and in the goal (as a means FARC). "In this first phase, the magistrates' considerations are preliminary and do not constitute any definitive definitive legal qualification. In addition, in this phase, the Chamber does not conduct badessments of evidence badociated with the determination of facts or conduct, "said Julieta Lemaitre Ripoll, Speaker of the House

" For this reason , he added. the decision to defend and does not involve any prejudice of any kind. "This is the beginning." The JEP will call another hearing with the victims

Farc senior executives will appear today at the JEP

To highlight

The list is led by Rodrigo Londoño ("Timochenco") and the main executives of the so-called Secretariat, among whom are the new Senators Iván Márquez, Pablo Catatumbo and Carlos Antonio Lozada, and the representatives of the Chamber are Jesús Santrich, Marco Calarcá and Jairo González Mora (Byron Yepes)

By the former southern block, which operated in the south of the country mainly to Huila, Caquetá, Putumayo and Meta, will be Milton de Jesús Toncel (Joaquín Gómez & # 39; ), Miguel Ángel Pascuas ("Sargento Pascuas"), José Benito Cabrera ("Fabián Ramírez") and Hernán Darío Velásquez ("El Paisa"), former head of column Teófilo Forero, responsible for most of the kidnappings of big impact, among them the plagiarism congressmen and mbadive kidnapping in the building of Torres de Miraflores, in the center of Neiva.


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