Ready Global Compact for secure migration


After several months of negotiations at the UN, the text of the Global Compact for Secure, Orderly and Regular Migration, which seeks to establish an international framework in the design of such policies, is ready today. .

The day before, Secretary António Guterres, UN General, stressed the potential of the agreement to take advantage of the benefits of these human movements.

Migrants around the world are a remarkable engine of growth and now number more than 250 million people. In addition, although they represent 3% of the world's population, they contribute 10% of the world's gross domestic product, he said.

However, more than 60,000 people in motion have died since the year 2000, The UN representative reiterated that despite their contributions, migrants and refugees are usually demonized and attacked.

According to Guterres, the phenomenon of migration will be maintained and, therefore, should be organized through effective international cooperation between countries of origin, transit and destination.

We can not let control over the movement of people into the hands of traffickers. strengthen collaboration against trafficking in human beings.

Countries have the right, and even the responsibility, to determine their own migration policies and to manage responsibly. This must be done in full respect of human rights, he said.

For her part, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for International Migration, Louise Arbor, agreed that this should be in everyone's interest. find a way to guarantee security in these human movements.

According to him, migration should not be considered in terms of good or bad, but as a phenomenon that has been part of human history and can have great benefits. There is no question of facilitating or reducing migration, but the purpose of the pact is security and order, he said.

The UN General Assembly decided to push the deal by adopting the New York Declaration. in September 2016, at the Summit on Refugees and Migrants.

The Safe, Orderly and Orderly Migration Pact will be the first agreement negotiated between governments under the auspices of the United Nations to cover all dimensions of migration in a holistic and comprehensive manner.

In December of this year, the official adoption is expected at a high-level event in Morocco

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