Farc members who will be in Congress and must present the PEC – Peace Process – Politics


This Friday, 31 former FARC guerrillas will have to attend the first hearing of the House of Recognition of Truth and Accountability, Special Justice for Peace (JEP).

Among these 31 people, 7 they will be part of the Congress of the Republic and THE TIME will tell you who they are.

The 7 members of the Congress

Those who would be in the Senate and were to be present at the hearing of the PEC are: Iván Márquez (Luciano Marin Arango), Carlos Lozada (Julian Gallo Cubillos) and Pablo Catatumbo (Jorge Torres Victoria).

While those who would be in the House of Representatives and must attend are: Byron Yepes (Jairo González Mora), Jesús Santrich (Seuxis Hernández), Marco Calarcá (Luis Alberto Albán) and Olmedo Ruiz (Omar de Jesús Restrepo)

  These are the candidates of the Farc for the presidency and the Congress

Pablo Catatumbo, one of the leaders of Farc.

Carlos Ortega / EL TIEMPO

] What will they speak to the JEP?

The 7 representatives of the Farc Congress and the 24 other former guerrillas convened to the hearing will have to report on the abductions between 1993 and 2012.

Meanwhile, it is estimated that they made between 2,500 and 8,500 illegal detentions.

According to the JEP, the kidnappings would have been carried out systematically for at least three reasons: "to indict relatives and relatives of large sums of money in exchange for the prisoner 's freedom; as a form of pressure on the national government and as a means of demonstrating control over the civilian population. "

Those Who Have not Been Mentioned

Farc members who were not summoned to this first hearing were 3, Senate (Sandra Ramírez and Victoria Sandino) and one who will be in the House (Jairo Quintero)

Ramirez (Griselda Lobo) is known to be the sentimental partner of Manuel Marulanda Vélez and to be in the national leadership of the former guerrilla, as well as Sandino (Judith Simanca Herrera)

  Here are the candidates of the Farc for the presidency and the congress

Sandra Ramírez was the romantic partner of Manuel Marulanda Vélez

Quintero (Reinaldo Cala Suárez), for its part, is known for having founded guerrilla war in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta and for having been commander of the Magdalena Medio Bloc

What will happen to Iván Márquez?

Last month, Márquez badured that he would not take possession of his seat in the Senate must e of guarantees and respect.

According to Óscar Castelblanco, a specialist in constitutional law and professor of research at the Free University, if Márquez does not have the possession, will lose the siege

  Iván Márquez

Iván Márquez, member of Farc


Mauricio Moreno / EL TIEMPO

"He loses him for himself as a person, but he is not decrees empty chair because that they have not sanctioned him for corruption or drug trafficking ", commented the expert, who added that the replacement of Márquez should be the person who follows the top 5 in the closed list that Farc presented to the Senate. ] In this case, it would be Israel Alberto Zúñiga Iriarte

The siege of Santrich?

In the case of Jesús Santrich, the FARC itself said that there was no problem in taking office in the House of Representatives,

" The FARC say that Santrich is not disqualified, because there is no conviction and that it is only a preventive measure that keeps him in prison, but because he is deprived of freedom can not go to the Capitol to take possession, "Castelblanco said.

  Case of Santrich


Rodrigo Sepúlveda / EL TIEMPO

And the lawyer explained that the constitutional orders that members of Congress must take possession of the Capitol on July 20 unless there is a justifiable reason to be absent and that they can comply with this requirement before a competent authority, such as a notary or a judge.

that they will try to obtain some authority over the place of detention in Santrich (La Picota, Bogotá), but that depends on whether a judge or a notary wants to do so, "he said. he says.


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