By burning buses, Medellín drivers announce unemployment


About 41 carriers of the roads 242 and 243 were declared unemployed after the fire of a public service vehicle in the Calasanz district to the west of Medellín

According to the authorities, men traveling in a taxi intimidated the driver of Floresta San Juan, badigned to the company Coonatra and its six occupants. Subsequently, the criminals set it on fire and fled

Medellín's secretary of mobility, Humberto Iglesias Gómez, explained that the service was not totally paralyzed and that there were ten drivers ] who continue to work. He said that they were talking with carriers so that they could get back to work as soon as possible.

"The roads are Floresta San Juan -242 and 243- in total there are 51 buses, of which there are some that do not work.There are about ten vehicles that operate" at -he says.

The authorities are still searching for three people who set the vehicle on fire and who are now causing fear among drivers and community Colonel Juan Carlos Rodríguez, deputy commander of the Metropolitan Police has confirmed that just a few meters from the incident, the taxi in which the criminals were mobilized, in which a black briefcase with the smell of gasoline was found.

"We have people in a public service vehicle who cross the bus, intimidate the driver and the pbadengers, force them to get off and burn the vehicle, we have already identified them", .

Carriers do not feel safe and refuse to return to work. Less than three months ago, in the same area, another bus was cremated by members of the Betania group . The districts affected by this new cessation of activities are Juan XIII, La Quiebra and La Divisa in Commune 13, Calasanz and Santa Lucia in Commune 12.

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