It is as well as the government team of Iván Duque settles | Government | Economy


At the slightest drop, President-elect Iván Duque handed over the names of the people who will initially form his government team for the next four years of management.

The first confirmed person in his cabinet was Alberto Carrasquilla, who will return to occupy the post of chief treasury portfolio

Carrasquilla went through this office between 2003 and 2007, during the government of the former President Alvaro Uribe In addition, for this new administration, he was the head of the junction between the outgoing government and the new government.

Meanwhile, this Friday revealed a series of names, beginning with that of Andrés Valencia Pinzón, who will arrive at the Ministry of Agriculture . Announcement posted on Duque's Twitter account

The new Agriculture Portfolio Manager is an economist at the University of Los Andes, has experience in the field of trade unions, health and openness international markets. He was president of Fenavi Colombia, commercial director of the Federation of Coffee Producers, director of the ICA and negotiator at the WTO

A few hours later, Juan Pablo Uribe and Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez were confirmed in the Health and Home portfolios, respectively.

Uribe is a surgeon at Javeriana University with masters in Public Health and Administration from the University of Michigan. For her part, Gutiérrez becomes the first woman to occupy the seat of the Department of the Interior a post that happens after being a representative in the House and presiding over the Senate of the Republic .

Jonathan Malagón, on the other hand, was confirmed to the Department of Housing. Currently, he is Technical Vice President of Asobancaria, Economist at the National University and Business Administrator at the University of London

while the National Planning Department (DNP) will be headed by Gloria Alonso, current deputy secretary

For the moment, the name of Guillermo Botero is required to occupy the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, which already gives as a fact the Conservative Party but neither Duke nor Botero confirm or deny it.

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