Puerto Valdivia: The commander and the sub-commander of the police are murdered – Conflict and drug trafficking – Justice


The uniforms supported the victims of Hidroituango

  Assbadination the commander of the Police and his second in Puerto Valdivia

Assbadination the commander of the Police and his second one in Puerto Valdivia.


July 13, 2018, 11:31 am.
This morning was attacked with shots from a mountain by a police van in Puerto Valdivia, Antioquia.

As a result of the incident the commander and the deputy commander of the police station of this municipality of Antioquia . A third uniformed officer was wounded

The deceased uniformed officers were identified as being Mayor Alexander de Jesús Hernández Álvarez and Deputy Rafer Stith Baldovino Muñoz
men, with respectively 21 and 15 years in the police. they were from Cartagena (Bolívar) and Itagüí (Antioquia). They had several congratulations and decorations.

In his account Twiiter the director of the National Police, General
Jorge Hernando Nieto, repudiated the attack and showed his solidarity with the families of the victims.

We condemn the loose patrol attack of @PoliciaColombia in #PuertoValdivia in which the Mayor Alexander Hernández Álvarez and the Deputy Director Baldovino Muños Rafer were murdered. We have prepared our abilities to find leaders.

– General Jorge Nieto (@GeneralNietoR) July 13, 2018

"The three uniforms were blatantly attacked from the top of the mountain when they patrolled to safeguard the elements that are in people's homes. affected by Hidroituango emergency, "said the institution in a statement.

The Commander of Police Region 6, Brigadier General Carlos Ernesto Rodríguez, and Colonel Carlos Mauricio Sierra Niño, Police Commander of the Department, traveled to the scene of the attack. .
On Twitter: @JusticiaET

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