They dismiss CTI officials killed in Nariño


This Friday, the funeral mbad was celebrated for the death of Willington Alexander Montenegro Martinez, Yair Alonso Montenegro Galíndez and Douglas Dimitry Guerrero Medina, murdered last Wednesday in an act attributed to men of the alias "Guacho".

from left to right) Douglas Dimitry Guerrero, Willington Montenegro Martinez and Jair Alfonso Montenegro, were killed yesterday at 2:30 pm. in Nariño With the permission of

This Friday, in Pasto, the funeral was celebrated in the honor of the three officers of the Technical Investigation Corps (ITC) of the Office of the Prosecutor who were murdered last Wednesday in the corregimiento La Guayacana, at kilometer 74, between the city of Llorente and Tumaco (Nariño). (You may be interested: Tribute to the Office of the Prosecutor for the victims of the CTI murdered in Nariño)

Willington Alexander Montenegro Martínez 43 years old, was a lawyer by profession who worked as an explosives technician and had an experience of 24 years in the service of the Office of the Prosecutor. Yair Alonso Montenegro Galíndez 29 years old, had been in the institution for 9 years. And Douglas Dimitry Guerrero Medina, Financial Officer attached to the Directorate of Organized Crime, in the past 14 years he was rendering his services to the institution.

"We will continue to fight with determination against the criminal organizations that operate there. Nothing will intimidate us In memory of Douglas, Willington and Jair, we will redouble our efforts to dismantle and neutralize the criminal gangs that operate in Guayacana, "said Attorney General Néstor Humberto Martínez, a few hours after the triple murder. "We are in mourning," added the prosecutor, expressing his solidarity with the families of the victims. (Read also: "Nothing will intimidate us," says prosecutor Martinez after the murder of CTI members in Nariño)

The three officials were in a van when, at 2:30 of the afternoon at noon, they were attacked with weapons from different points of the road. According to Forensic Medicine, the agents died because of the impact of the bullets on their bodies. After the shooting, the vehicle was burned and two of the men were cremated. Hours later, the authorities confirmed the incident and began the persecution operations of the perpetrators of the attack.

The following day, the Minister of Defense, Luis Carlos Villegas, confirmed the capture of 14 people allegedly linked to the triple crime . The operations were conducted following an operation by soldiers from Task Force Hercules, police and CTI officers. In addition, 18 raids were carried out in which rifles, pistols, revolvers, grenades, cellular material, explosives, a hi-tech communications radio and a computer were seized. (We suggest: Create an intelligence group to identify those responsible for the killings of CTI agents)

"The first people involved in the cowardly killing of CTI members have already fallen. There is no doubt that Guacho and his people will pay, "wrote the President of the Republic, Juan Manuel Santos, on his Twitter account The operation aimed at capturing money from others who would be involved in Triple Continuous Murder .

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