Carlos Holmes Trujillo, Minister of Foreign Affairs Iván Duque ELESPECTADOR.COM


Political Writing

Holmes, who was a candidate for the presidency of the Democratic Center, will arrive at the position held by María Ángela Holguín in recent years.

Carlos Holmes Trujillo, new Minister of Foreign Affairs.

had predicted, elected president Ivan Duque appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs to Carlos Holmes Trujillo. Although Duque made the announcement this Friday night of Miami, the name of Holmes sounded in the rattle of the new ministerial cabinet, among others, because it was one of his companions during the international tour that he made in the United States and Spain.

"Dr. Carlos Holmes Trujillo is a pledge of political experience, diplomacy and respectability, that's why I decided that he was our Minister of Business foreigners, "he announced via his Twitter account, Duque, just 25 days from the House. of Nariño, replacing the president Juan Manuel Santos.

The appointment of Holmes, born in Cartago (Valle del Cauca) 66 years ago, in this portfolio is not surprising, given the long diplomatic career that he had, the government from Ernesto Samper. In 1995, for example, he was ambbadador to the OAS in Washington

(Read here: The signatures of Iván Duque: this is how the appointments of the new Cabinet Advance)

After the arrival of former President Andrés Pastrana in 1998 at the house of Nariño, Holmes was ambbadador to Austria and Russia, as well as to the agencies of the United States. UN in Vienna . Then, during the eight years of the former president and now Senator Álvaro Uribe was ambbadador in Sweden and, later, in Belgium, post in which he lasted until in 2011 when Juan Manuel Santos was already in power. [19659005] But diplomatic positions were not the only ones he occupied. Son of former Liberal MP Carlos Holmes Trujillo, Holmes (Jr.) studied law at the Universidad del Cauca and obtained a Master's degree in International Business at the University of Sofia (Tokyo), which what he did when was consul. during the governments of Alfonso López Michelsen and Julio César Turbay

In Colombia he returned in 1983, when he was Cali's finance secretary, city from which he became the first mayor elected in 1988. After that, he was a constituent to, later, became Minister of Education during the government of Caesar Gaviria. In 2014, it was the vice-presidential formula of Oscar Iván Zuluaga Democratic Center candidate who fought the second round with Santos, and in in 2017, he was a candidate to the presidency of the same party

Holmes at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Duque, joined those of Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez (Ministry of the Interior) Andrés Valencia Pinzón (Ministry of Agriculture), Alberto Carrasquilla (Ministry of Finance) and Gloria Alonso Másmela (at the National Department of Planning).

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