Nearly half of Latin Americans prefer to give up sex for a month rather than on the cell phone


The mobile phone has become a common element in our daily lives. There are those who do not stand out from him, almost like he was an extension of his body; others who can afford to leave him abandoned on a piece of furniture in the house for a while; and others who are still trying to understand how it is possible with this device, you can send written messages.

Whoever else, who entertains less, communicates, informs and captures moments with mobile phones. Usually, we treat them with delicacy, partly because they are fragile, but also, let's say it out loud, because we could not think of what would happen to us if it suddenly stopped working .

These behaviors, which can sometimes be considered addictive, are those that were evaluated in the #PhoneLifeBalance survey. It follows that half of the participants (over 46,000 Argentines) conscientiously use their smartphone .

Now, 13% of them are considered a phone. sapiens which means that its link with the phone is limited to the bare necessities, wasting a lot of its features. On the contrary, the other 38% is the one who has reached the perfect balance between his phone and his life.

Of the survey, a 67.75% of the men and 31.27% of the women participated ] and 40% of them belong to the slice. age from 30 to 39 years old. However, 34.6% of the total participants admitted to a much stronger link with their cell phone; while the rest tends to obsess.

What kind of user are you?

The survey clbadified participants into five categories :

Level 1 – Telephone-Sapiens : They are the ones who use their phone for basic questions, such as calling by phone. They even prefer to send written messages. Their presence in social networks is limited and they do not take advantage of all the facilities that the tool provides them.

Level 2 – Phone-Conscious : These are the ones who live with their phone and not with him. They use smarthpone to save time and energy that they could invest in things that really matter to them. They appreciate their personal relationships and find the perfect balance between the phone and personal life. This is the exemplary state.

Level 3 – Phone-in Love : we start here with the disadvantages of going out of the device. Those who belong to this category use it in their free time just because it is there, although their personal morals indicate when and where to use it.

Level 4 – Phone-Fanatic : we continue the descent into addiction. In this case, the mobile phone is never turned off and is always close. They usually make sure that they are multitasking when what they realize must be distracted in several ways.

Level 5 – Dependent on the phone : we have arrived! Here are the people who never stop using the phone. This is the first and last thing you see in the day, and separating from the device generates stress. This is the most negative reality of all, since the relationship with the cell overshadows personal relationships. Fortunately, only 0.27% of national respondents belong to this category.

What's behind these numbers?

The study of the current situation of the link between mobile phone and people began in February in collaboration with Harvard University. Dr. Nancy Etcoff, a specialist in mental-brain behavior and the Science of Happiness, determined that 49% of respondents checked their smartphone more than they wanted .

Also, many of these times it happens that they activate it to see the time or the time and suddenly find themselves doing something else. 64% of participating Argentines also admitted that their mobile phone is their best companion when they go to the bathroom .

"For the majority of smartphone users, problem behaviors consist of: unconscious responses and bad habits that require help to overcome them ," says Dr. Etcoff.

"Small behavioral changes, environmental control and mindfulness are useful tools for this purpose, just as the efforts of the smartphone industry companies. revealing this survey carried out in several countries indicates the need of understanding and collective action ", complete.

What is happening in Latin America?

126,000 people, 15% of whom spend 24 hours a day with the device at their fingertips. However, 54% would be willing to give up the cell phone for a month, rather than bad .

On the other hand, 65% of participants in Latin America review their notifications before getting up in the morning. The funny thing is that the trigger for this anxiety is that the one who is with them does it before: over 74% of participants said that they would check their cell phone as soon as one of their friends would do it . Where are we going with this?

The initiative is the product of the Motorola company. Its marketing director in Argentina, Valeria Fernández, explained that "as the creators of the first mobile phone in history, we estimated responsible for badyzing the impact of this technology of rapid evolution and desire, without becoming the focus of our lives. "

The goal is, first, to have a badysis of the situation to then advance on the various aspects that arise from the diagnosis. The company already has the sponsorship of an app to help users detoxify the device for 60 days.

In this way, it is shown that technology manufacturers are beginning to view its use as a concern . What has made our lives easier can absorb them.

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