Seize 220 kilograms of marijuana in Bucaramanga | Judicial


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The National Police this week seized a cargo of 220 kilograms of" cripy "type marijuana, which was squeezed and camouflaged in fiberglbad cylinders, and was transported in a truck from Valle del Cauca.

The result of the police was obtained at a checkpoint located in the Morrorrico sector and allowed the capture of three men and one woman.

The value of this shipment of marijuana is about $ 550 million and the distribution of 55,000 doses of this illegal substance on the black market was avoided. 19659004] According to the authorities, this is the third major blow against the micro-trafficking networks over the past two weeks. It should be remembered that at the end of June, a truckload of 130 kilograms of marijuana was intercepted and that last week, two men of 37 kilos were captured and marketed in the area of ​​La Isla (Ricaurte )

The Commander of the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Police, Brigadier General Manuel Vásquez Prada, stated that this seizure also made it possible to identify one modalities used to transport the drug

. Marijuana was already flavored and pressed to such an extent that it was compact and could not be pierced with a scalpel. In addition, it was inside fiberglbad cylinders that anti-narcotic dogs were struggling to function and, at first glance, this appeared to be a legal cargo. "Criminals resort to these methods to avoid the identification of the substance in the isolation of animals." Odors But thanks to specialized dog support, it was possible to achieve this important seizure, "said the senior official

In this operation, the anti-narcotic dog Vincent participated, which played a key role in the last seizures of Mebuc.

The Bucaramanga Metropolitan Police reported that last month she had seized more than half a ton of marijuana, accounting for 125,000 doses and whose commercial value is estimated at $ 1,800 million.

It is not clear if these "blows" have affected Marijuana supply in the region, but some experts say that an increase in black market prices could take place.

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