$ 100 million for the information of the killers of the Cartagena police | Torices | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


The wave of violence continues to bad the children of Bolívar. A few days ago, a campesino from Barranco de Loba was found dead with two other peasants in Nariño. The victims were tied up and had gunshot wounds.

Although they were not confirmed by the authorities, they would be members of the "Gulf Clan" after death, which has a structure committing crimes in this area, in addition to the 39; Eln. 19659002] Yesterday morning, another Bolivaran was killed far from his land. This is the Cartagena police Alexander Hernández Álvarez. He was the victim of the attack of the patrol in which he was going, in the constituency of Puerto Valdivia, in the area of ​​El Coliseo (Antioquia).

In this incident died the Deputy Intendant Rafer Baldovino Muñoz, while the patrol Jeferson Gaviria Pérez He was wounded in the attack by shooting.

Alexander Hernández of Cartagena was known to have lived in Torices. However, shortly after her birth, her family took her to Magangue because most of her parents are there.

There, he was raised and became a member of the National Police, after taking the course in Corozal (Sucre)). In the end, he was sent to Antioquia, then he was in Arauca and from there he was sent to Antioquia again. His parents live in Cartagena.

Last week, they gave him five days off and Cartagena took the opportunity to go to Medellin, where his wife and two children are. It was the last time his people saw him, because yesterday Alexander returned to Puerto Valdivia, where he was the commander of the police station. In the institution he was 21 years old.
We learn that yesterday morning, the Cartagena left the post in a patrol car. He was driving the vehicle, while at his side was the sub-commander of the station, MP Rafer Baldovino Muñoz. It is believed that the patrol car Gaviria (who was injured) was at the back of the truck

Investigations show that they were crossing a bridge, still near the train station, when they were attacked with gunshots. Rafer Baldovino died after being hit by the projectiles.

The Cartagena was also shot down and, trying to save his life, he managed to get out of the truck. Everything indicates that in the eagerness to dodge the attack was launched from the bridge and the fall would have caused death.

The patroller who was at the back of the vehicle was injured, but managed to leave and escaped, to reach the substation and ask for help. He was taken to a medical center and until yesterday his condition was unknown.

The National Police indicated that the soldiers and wounded were in Puerto Valdivia with the mission of safeguarding the elements of the houses that continue to be evacuated. The red alert generated by the emergency in Hidroituango

Authorities have arrived to investigate the facts and find those responsible. According to the police, the "Clan del Golfo" and the company "Heroes y Mártires de Tarazá" of the offense Eln in the place. The police rejected and regretted the fact of the death of the uniform

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