Latin American bets to unity in Havana


Representatives of parties and organizations of the Latin American and Caribbean left will seek strategies to curb the actions of the regional right this morning, while the XXIV Encuentro de Foro Sao Paulo will be held for three days.

mechanism created in 1990, which brings together more than a hundred progressive forces on the continent, meets for the third time on the island (1993 and 2001), in a scenario similar to that which saw it born almost three decades ago.

By political figures such as Fidel Castro (1926-2016), historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, former president and founder of the Workers Party of Brazil, the Forum appeared to meet the challenges from the left. like the collapse of the socialist camp and the consequences of neoliberalism.

After several years with the presence of governments of change and social engagement in Latin America, the law has returned to power in several countries, amid an escalation of state aggression States, which demonstrates the validity of the Monroe doctrine and its hegemonic and interventionist project towards the region.

State coups, legal and parliamentary crusades, violent protests disguised as popular demands and political persecutions are part of the arsenal of the right promoted by Washington.

Given the challenge that this entails, delegates evoke the appeal of Fidel Castro, launched 25 years ago, while Havana hosted the fourth version of the São Paulo Forum

& # 39; How much can we do less and what can the Latin American left do rather than create a consciousness in favor of unity? This should be written on the flags on the left. With socialism and without socialism (…) ", condemned then.

This is precisely the unit that convenes the participants at the annual meeting, to be held from July 15 to 17 at the Havana Convention Center.


About the 24th edition of the Forum, Prensa Latina met with representatives of the revolutionary and progressive thinking of the region.

For the Argentine political scientist Atilio Borón, the meeting will be held on a scene of an intense imperialist counter-offensive, which has as preferential objectives to produce regime change in Venezuela, to intensify even more the Turnstiles blockade Cuba and isolate the government of Bolivian President Evo Morales.

Similarly, he backed beach of opposition in Nicaragua, as well as to advance in the return of Ecuador to US domination with the return of the US military to the base of Ma nta and in the "liberation" of Julian Assange of the Quito Embbady in London, "which is equivalent to his death sentence."

The Sao Paulo Forum will also promote a frank and frank discussion of success in Havana He stressed that the Secretary of International Relations of the Sandinista National Front of Liberation (FSLN), Jacinto Suárez, insisted that the progressive and leftist governments must ratify them in the first and correct the second. It is important that leftist parties and progressive movements converge on the Caribbean island, for their example of resistance in the struggle for the maintenance of independence and sovereignty. The Sandinista leader also stressed the opportunity represented by the meeting to promote the unity of the anti-neoliberal forces.

"This unit is the key to victory," he warns.

According to the International Coordinator of the Network of Intellectuals and Artists In defense of humanity, Pablo Sepúlveda, among the strategies must be: break the fence of information and pose an offensive that further fracture the capitalist system and claim socialism as a model of peace and justice for all.

Sepúlveda He said that the Sao Paulo Forum should urgently seek a concrete plan to contain and thwart the brutal badault of international right-wing forces, which are not uncommon.

Regarding the role of young people in the struggle for a world José Ángel Maury, leader of the Union of Young Communists of Cuba, stressed the need to protect young people.

he has in his hands the future of the region, which depends on his ability to strengthen and contribute to the left-wing movement in Latin America, he said.

Maury warned that new generations are most likely to be manipulated in favor of right-wing interests, especially from new communication scenarios.


In an interview with Prensa Latina, Juan Ramón Quintana, Ambbadador of Bolivia to Cuba, describes the São Paulo Forum as a very vigorous deliberative and democratic space, which continues to burn the flame of the liberating ideas of the great heroes of Latin American independence.

Quintana reminded key figures of regional emancipation such as Venezuelan Simón Bolívar and Cuban José Martí.

The diplomat, the three-day meeting will warn of the huge risks that the region faces in the face of the imperial attack of the United States. He left aside any scruples to achieve his geopolitical goals.

Referring to the existing situation, especially to the right crusades, he baderted that this is not a moment of resignation, skepticism or pessimism. It's a moment that should help us multiply our collective energies, says Quintana.

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