Santos asks Donald Trump to talk to Putin about not supporting Nicolás Maduro – Government – Politics


Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos on Saturday urged his American counterpart, Donald Trump, to ask Russian President Vladimir Putin to stop supporting the "regime" of Venezuelan Nicolás Maduro. to the solution of the crisis in Venezuela, I ask President Trump to ask Putin to stop supporting the Maduro regime, "he writes
Santos on Twitter

To contribute to the solution of the crisis in Venezuela, I ask President Trump @POTUS to ask Putin to stop supporting the Maduro regime

– Juan Manuel Santos (@JuanManSantos) July 14, 2018 [19659003] May Putin congratulated his Venezuelan colleague for his re-election in the presidential elections and expressed his willingness to continue to promote cooperation between the two countries.

Putin "was convinced that the activity of the Maduro chair at the head of the state will ensure the development of the strategic partnership relations that exist between the two countries ", according to a Kremlin statement.

Venezuela found in Russia a" strategic ally "of its multilateral policy, as well as a supplier of weapons, technology and other resources . Venezuelan relations with Russia have undergone during the presidency of Hugo Chávez (1999-2013) a revival in various fields such as energy, the army and cooperation that have maintained Maduro throughout his tenure .

Trump, on tour in Europe, will travel to Helsinki on Sunday for a summit with President Putin on Monday.

Since 2013, Venezuela has been plunged into a deep economic, political and social crisis that has led thousands of people from this country to seek refuge in other countries such as Colombia.

On June 13, the director of Frontier with Venezuela, Felipe Muñoz, declared that more than one million people migrated from Venezuela to Colombia in the last 15 months, of which 819,000 were "

Muñoz added that of these 376,572 are regular, while 442,462 were recorded in the administrative register of Venezuelan migrants, made between April 6 and June 8.

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