Iván Duque appoints José Manuel Restrepo Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism – Government – Politics


He is currently rector of the University of Rosario

  José Manuel Restrepo

José Manuel Restrepo, who will badume as Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism in the Government of Brazil. Iván Duque.


July 14, 2018, 14:38

President-elect Iván Duque announced to the fifth minister of his cabinet: Juan Manuel Restrepo, rector of the Universidad del Rosario, will badume the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. Duque declared that he was "one of the most illustrious Colombians of our generation" and "who will make history in power".

#Miami | José Manuel Restrepo @jrestrp will be our Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. He is a person who has all the technical and managerial training that will allow him to meet the challenges of this portfolio. pic.twitter.com/EZXTy6fcjM

– Iván Duque (@IvanDuque) 14 July 2018

Restrepo is an economist and specialist in finance at the Universidad del Rosario. In addition, he holds a master's degree in economics from the London School of Economics.

Before coming to the presbytery of the University of Rosario, he was rector of CESA (Center for Postgraduate Management).

The cabinet of President Duque began to take shape this Friday with the names of veterans. vast experience, and, up to now, none represents a bureaucratic quota other than Uribismo itself.

In addition to four confirmed appointments ( Alberto Carrasquilla, Treasury, Andres Valencia, Agriculture and Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez, Interior, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, Chancery ), in two other portfolios the names of future ministers are given as sure: Juan Pablo Uribe, Salud; and Guillermo Botero Nieto, Defense.

Duke spoke of a joint cabinet of men and women, but for now the men are winning. And, although he promised that 75% of them would be under 45, all those advertised are over 50 years old.


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