CNE postpones decision on the siege of Aida Merlano and maintains the Mockus | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


This Saturday at a public hearing, the National Electoral Council (CNE) postponed the decision on the seat of Aida Merlano, elected Congressman of the Conservative Party and left in place that of 39, Antanas Mockus.

In the case of Aida Merlano, decision was postponed due to lack of censorship at the time of the vote. This, because Judge Emiliano Rivera, has withdrawn from the scene.

In this way, the hearing to resume the Merlano affair must be made in the coming days, taking into account the fact that the new Congress, elected March, will take possession on July 20.

It is expected that the CNE's decision will be favorable to the Conservative senator, who is the subject of an investigation for alleged irregularities related to the purchase and sale. the sale of votes.

"I draw attention to the need for society to adopt clear positions in front of citizenship because the audience of today was confused and generated uncertainty ", added the magistrate Armando Novoa at the end of the hearing


At the hearing, the decision was maintained in which he approved that Senator elected Antanas Mockus take possession of his seat on July 20, after being further handicapped for allegedly contracting with the state by months of Corpovisionarios before the elections.

However, until Monday there is a deadline for filing appeals against this decision. If no appeal is lodged, the decision will remain firm.

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