Police rescued 15 women victims of human trafficking in Tumbes


Fifteen women, eleven of Venezuelan nationality, were rescued from the clutches of a network of traffickers who exploited them badually and professionally in restaurants-bars of the resort of Puerto Pizarro in Tumbes. Among the victims there is a minor.

The Ministry of the Interior explained in a statement that the National Police set up an operation on July 13 in the premises Red Grouper and Tropical Paradise . In the first place, the agents found the eleven foreigners and in the second the other young people.

Victims of the crime of human trafficking have been accepted under the Victims and Witnesses Protection and Assistance Program. Public Ministry. Five people, suspected of leading the criminal organization, were arrested and transferred to the Criminal Investigation Division (Divincri) for the proceedings.

Venezuelans in Peru

Peru is the second country that has welcomed more Venezuelans in recent months only behind Colombia, and currently hosts more than 350,000 citizens of this country, most of whom live in Lima [19659002] The International Organization for Migration (IOM) warned Wednesday that there is information that the number of victims of trafficking for the purpose of badual exploitation is in increase and that a common form of recruitment has been the subject of false offers of employment.

(Information from EFE).

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