Cuba and Latin America are the reference for the German left


July 15, 2018, 11:02 Berlin, July 15 (Prensa Latina) Cuba and Latin America are a reference for the German left, badured here the deputy of this country Heike Haense, who participates today At the Sao Paulo Forum, Havana

The Vice-President of the Left Party (Die Linke) in Germany spoke about his expectations with the Forum, parliamentary relations with the Caribbean nation and the Latin Left. American, in an exclusive interview Prensa Latina before leaving for the meeting

Haense chairs the German Parliamentary Friendship Group for Central America and the Caribbean participating in the XXIV Annual Meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum, July 15 to 17, in the Cuban capital.

According to him, this meeting continues to be the largest in the American continent to measure and realize the current inventory of development of the left in government or opposition.

On Cuba, Haense stressed that it is an opportunity to know the level of development of the updated business model in this country, in addition to the challenges and opportunities for the Greater Antilles at the international level.

The parliamentarian of the southern city of Tuebingen He pointed out that, in recent times, the right has regained some political ground in the world, which, according to her, is the result of an undervaluation of this opposition by the center-left governments

. European Union (EU) in the internal affairs of different countries, as well as the distancing of progressive governments with certain sectors of the population and popular movements.

On the other hand, he praised the attitude of some nationals of countries like Brazil and Argentina who are fighting to defend their leftist leaders from imperialist slander and not give their territory to the oligarchy.

In Euro The strengthening of the right, he says, means the failure of the social democratic and socialist parties which leave a political vacuum in their turn.

For example, in the Germanic nation, it is sad that some of the workers and the population, who live in precarious and dangerous conditions, choose in the polls the radical right party for the first time. Germany (AfD), explains Haense

To solve this situation, social democrats must regain popular support and credibility, in order to develop a policy for the working clbad and for the defense of the exploited.

The member explains that from her party follow the updates on the process of struggle for the liberation of former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the most likely candidate for the upcoming presidential elections of that country.

On this subject, they maintain contact with the movement of solidarity with Lula to Alema.

As Haense explained, the German Left criticizes this process, which they describe as politically motivated procedure or against the rule of law, an opinion that coincides with that of legal experts.

The future of the peace process in Colombia and the electoral victory in Mexico of the progressive candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador

The Sao Paulo Forum emerged in 1990 as an area of ​​convergence, debate and debate. 39, which brings together more than a hundred progressive forces in Latin America and the Caribbean.

To date, Cuba has hosted two editions of the meeting, that of 1993 and that of 2001.

mem / rbp / hcn

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