They capture the alleged murderer Laura Juliana when she tried to leave the city La Crónica del Quindío


Up to $ 10 million reward was offered for information that would allow the capture of the murderer.

  The alleged killer of Laura Juliana is captured when she tried to leave the city

The CHRONICLE knew only that Friday afternoon produced the capture of the alleged murderer of the young Laura Juliana Jojoa Murillo. ( In context: A 21-year-old girl was murdered in a warehouse of Run 14.

Units of the Quindío National Police, attached to the Criminal Investigation Section, Sijín , he was arrested while he was walking on the Highway of Coffee, between Armenia and Circasia.

He was immediately informed of his rights as a detainee and was taken to the police facilities for due process against

Apparently, intended to leave the city taking advantage of the confusion that had been generated by false information which were circulating about his apprehension hours before.

The arrest warrant against him was had been published since Thursday morning.

This Saturday, the alleged murderer was left at the disposal of the p general ranger, FGN, to initiate court proceedings and present it before the respective judge for the legalization of the capture, charging of charges and demand for insurance measure

It is expected that the details of the crime will be known in the middle of the hearings about which several versions were treated, no official, to have clearly the reasons that this subject had to end the existence of Laura Juliana.

Surely there will be a strong security feature to keep the defendant to avoid any aggression on the part of the community who is outraged by the fact and who might try to lynch him.

The case

The murder related to the detainee today was presented last Monday inside the Shamu clothing store, located on the 14th street between the 14th and 15th streets of Armenia.

The offender entered there and with a knife killed the 21-year-old daughter

Laura Juliana Jojoa Murillo died inside the institution while The aggressor was coming out and escaped with the knife in his hand wrapped in a T-shirt that was stolen from the premises.

His movements were recorded in several security cameras of other institutions in the area, where you can see walking by several points, between them in front of the CAM

The murder was reported a few minutes more late, when blood was seen coming out of the warehouse door.

The actions of the police

From that moment, police officers initiated the work to try to clarify the homicide, gathering documentary evidence allowing the complete identification of the murderer and thus obtaining the warrant of arrest

A special group of Sijin was organized to guard the points in which it could possibly be found or evacuation routes, so reported by Colonel Luis Hernando Benavides Guancha, commander of the institution in the department

The crime generated a huge rejection by the community of Quindiana, which made the authorities feel this pressure to capture this individual and thus deliver a piece of tranquility. [19659004] In light of the situation, the impact generated and everything related to the case, Thursday afternoon, the Secretary of State in the Interior of the Department, Jorge Andrés Buitrago Moncaleano, announced the offer of a reward from up to 10 million pesos for whoever gave information that he would allow his location.

The search for the man was carried out mainly in hotels in the center of Armenia and Calarcá, where there were suspicions that it could be found.

With the capture of this subject one seeks to establish the causes that he was to execute the fatal crime and find out whether he was responsible or not Another homicide that has took place in Armenia last Sunday

It would be the murder of Darío Ocampo Escobar, 63 years old, found dead in the neighborhood of Patio Bonito Alto.

The murderer would also have been recorded in the cameras in the area where he was fleeing and now the investigators are checking both cases to determine the relationship.


Hundreds of people on motorbikes and cars accompanied the hearse carrying Laura Juliana's body to her final resting place on Wednesday afternoon.

friends and even many citizens who did not even know her were part of the caravan making their own pain and rejection for the atrocious crime, screaming for justice.

Drafting Committee

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