Seven out of ten high school students eat junk food in Bogota | ELESPECTADOR.COM


A study conducted by UNIHORIZONTE in 15 universities in the capital showed that the majority of students consume food in commercial establishments and on the street. In addition, empanadas, arepas and sandwiches are the favorite foods of university students

The study was conducted between June 1 and June 15 by the Journalistic Observatory of UNIHORIZOTE . During the survey, 226 students and administrators universities from all sectors of the capital were interviewed.

The dietary habits and places where university communities eat their food are the highlights of the study.

On the one hand, junk food is imposed as the preferred product in the university scheme. The survey shows that 37% prefer the empanadas 14% the arepas 13% the sanduches 11% the hamburgers and 3 % other foods like fruit salads and business lunches.

On the other hand, the most places most in demand for consumption of these foods are 73% commercial establishments for most cafeterias and some restaurants, while 27 % declare acquiring them on the street with fixed and transient street vendors

With respect to 45% said that they do it occasionally, 31% each day 18% twice a week and 5% once a week. However, it was learned that 80% of people who eat on the street, do not know the health conditions in which they must be produced or sent.

The ] investigation made it possible to know also the strange elements which appear in foods, among which stand out: hair, plastic, glbad, paper, screws, mushrooms, metal, brick, insects like flies, as well as They reported the food in poor condition.

(Read: Rodents and droppings are found in some street food stalls in Bogotá)

"The most common causes of food-borne diseases ETA) are contamination by viruses and bacteria, more frequently, but also by parasites and some harmful chemicals such as pesticides, which can cause acute or chronic intoxication to people. (Mercury, lead and chlorine contaminate very frequently food), "said Andrés Leonardo Vidal, surgeon at the National University and Master of Nutrition

. a gastrointestinal bacterium that forced him to undergo medical treatment to prevent cancer of the stomach.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) The main diseases acquired by the consumption of ETA are salmonellae, campylobacter and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli. On the one hand, to salmonella and campylobacter are caused by the ingestion of raw milk, raw or undercooked poultry and drinking water. On the other hand, enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli is badociated with the consumption of unpasteurized milk, undercooked meat and fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, infection with vibrio cholerae is one of the most common and is transmitted by the ingestion of contaminated water or food. The symptoms are abdominal pain, vomiting and profuse watery diarrhea. The badociated foods are rice, vegetables, millet porridge and various types of shellfish.

In addition, the organization places the infection Listeria among the most deadly pathologies caused by the ingestion of ETA. The infection can cause spontaneous abortions and neonatal death . "Although the frequency of the disease is relatively low, the severity of its consequences, which can be fatal, especially for infants, children and the elderly," said WHO.

(Read: Beware of fish in bad condition! In Bogota they have already confiscated 134 kilos)

Regarding eating habits Dr. Andrés Leonardo Vidal pointed out the importance of discipline in the schedules "people should never go to bed hungry, but the last meal should be at least 3 hours before going to bed".

For his part, Invima recalls that, when it is consume food in a commercial establishment, the main health standards such as structural characteristics and proper maintenance of the establishment and income restrictions for food should be taken into account. domestic ailments

(Read: How do Colombians feed?)

Also, be aware that all surfaces that come into contact with food (including surfaces of utensils) sean smooth, without holes, cracks and loose scales . And, that the establishment has instruments or accessories that allow the measurement of temperatures, during cooking, refrigeration and freezing of food or raw materials.

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