The Sao Paulo Forum defends unity and solidarity in Cuba


July 15, 2018, 18:28 Havana, July 15 (Prensa Latina) Delegates from Latin America defended this capital at the XXIV Meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum for Unity Leftist forces and solidarity with leaders and governments attacked by the right.

On the first day of the three-day meeting, which is hosted by the Palace of Conventions, the leader of the Cuban Communist Party (CCP), José Ramón Balaguer, called on the progressive sectors of the region to work together before the Assault of neoliberalism and American imperialism.

Building this unit was and is an essential requirement. We invite all parties and groups present to work in this direction, said the head of the International Relations Department of the CPC Central Committee.

Also the executive secretary of the Forum, Monica Valente, insisted on the urgency of the dialogue and the consensus He also denounced the destabilizing strategies against the revolutionary and progressive forces of Venezuela, Nicaragua, Brazil, Argentina, Cuba and Bolivia, which have been described as brutal by the regional right and the United States government.

For Argentine political scientist Atilio Borón, the return of the Sao Paulo Forum in Havana, after the editions of 1993 and 2001, is the right moment to ratify progress and review mistakes. from the Latin American left.

The fundamental thing is that in this forum we do a self-critical exercise that allows us to see what we did well and what we did not do, if we do something like that we could be absolutely satisfied, "he told Prensa Latina

Borón, despite the complex scenario of the return to power in several countries – the hostility of Washington – there are favorable situations, which

"The recent victory of Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico and Gustavo Petro's good election result in Colombia, opens up enormous possibilities. may be on the eve of a revival of the progressive and leftist cycle in Latin America. "

The first day of debate at the Sao Paulo Forum was the scene of messages of solidarity with Venezuela, Nicaragua and the former incarnated president of Brazil, Him z Inácio Lula da Silva, one of the leading promoters – with Fidel Castro – of the mechanism founded in 1990, which brings together more than a hundred parties and progressive and left-wing organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean. Among the signs of solidarity was that of the Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Ralph Gonsalves, who called for support for these countries and leaders.

One day is Venezuela, another Brazil and then Nicaragua. coup d'etat against the government of Manuel Zelaya in Honduras in June 2009. Now Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is in prison but the people support him because he continues to see him as his leader,

For her part, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff claimed that her "crime" and that of Lula defended humility and sovereignty over natural resources.

We never accept abuses against the humble nor the delivery to the transnational oil and resources of the country, that is why they persecuted us and the coup d'etat came, was he baderted at the convention center, where some 430 delegates from four continents debate the unity of the left.

The XXIV Meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum has in its program of activities meetings of young people, women and parliamentarians, an exchange of criteria concerning political communication and the media, and a plenary session devoted to the need for Unit and integration Latin American and Caribbean.

On Tuesday, the last day, delegates will attend a meeting on the thought of the Cuban Revolution's historical leader, Fidel Castro and the Sao Paulo Forum.


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