Instagram has suffered a decline in its services this July 13, 2018


July 13, 2018 14:17














Portals which detect problems in the web page services and applications reported the The afternoon of this July 13, 2018 a fall in Instagram the application photo belonging to Facebook . The service was restored around 14:20.

The problems on the site began to be reported at 1:00 pm, according to the portal Down Detector. The cut was recorded at World Level with reports from Turkey, Singapore, United States, United Kingdom, among others.

Until 14:00, 54% of users said in Down Detector that they had problems with their Instagram home page another 23% said that the problem was also present on the site and an additional 18% said they could not connect to the application services.

When you try to update the posts in the social network, messages such as "can not be updated" or "an error has occurred" appear.

  Image of the message that appears in the Instagram application after the fall of July 13, 2018. Photo: capture.
  Capture of the message that appeared while trying to enter Instagram via a computer after the fall of his service. this July 13, 2018. Photo: capture, "src =" -677- 447.jpeg

Captured the message that appeared when trying to enter Instagram via a computer after the fall of his service this July 13, 2018. Photo: capture,.

Until 14:00 there was no Instagram report on causes of problems in the # 39; s application.

In Twitter several users reported the fall of the social network. , some memes used.

Oops, Instagram, so that was your diabolical plan … Replace whatsapp with direct messages, snapchat by stories, curious by the questions, then stop working and DEPLORE THE FALL OF THE WEST .

– Pablo de జ్ఞా isdom (@ PabloPSK99) July 13, 2018

Up to now, in July, three falls have been reported on Instagram, the latest on July 10.


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