XA2 Ultra Evaluation: A competent mid-range | Cell assessments | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


Sony is a company that has managed to stay afloat in the mobile phone market using some strategies and a very high tolerance to loss. Many media have predicted the death of Japanese society but are now starting a new path and it is on cell phones that she wants to shine as she did in her early days.

So, what path does Sony want to take with its mobile phones? We had the opportunity to test the Sony XA2 Ultra and get an idea of ​​the direction in which the manufacturer's goals are pointing.

The phone

Display: 6 inches
Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 630
RAM: 4 GB.
Storage: 32 GB
Battery: 3580 mA
] Main camera: 23 MP
Front camera: Dúal 16 MP and 8 MP (capture of 120 °)

The good thing

The greatest badet of this phone, away, is this screen with its vibrant colors and more if you get used to using its "lived" mode where you will get saturated and deep colors that are visible from meters. And I'm talking about an IPS panel that is quite surprising for all the stylish OLEDs that flood the market. It's really fabulous how the screen behaves in different angles of view, how it avoids glare and the level of brightness that it can reach. There was an opportunity where I sat in the Transcaribe and just hit the sun in the face but I could still see this episode of Troll Hunters without having to shad the screen with my hand.

At the level of treatment I must say he surprised me. We are talking about a Snapdragon 630 with 4GB RAM, a half-range of dubious specifications but that answered pretty well when you were asked to play Heartstone, to quickly switch from one application to the next. other and quickly go through its interface. If you submit it to comparative performance reviews, I badure you that it will fall into the hands of the other manufacturers, but with respect to the actual use and the day-to-day user experience, it's at the level of anyone in its lineup. As I said in the title, is a very competent mid-range that will not be frozen at the first abuse of a demanding user.

Another aspect to emphasize is the effectiveness of the battery (thanks to Snapdragon 630) that has not suffered so much before the demands that I made during my week of evaluation . When you combine this efficiency with the 3580 mA battery, you get a companion that will not leave you in the air when you want to watch series downloaded to your cell phone with a 35% battery.

front cameras and this is not for less considering the fact that Sony is one of the leading suppliers of optical sensors for many manufacturers around the world. It consists of two front optical sensors, one to 16 MP and the other to 8 MP. The first camera will make you take pretty clear pictures especially if you have a very shaky hand and the other has a wider lens (captures at 120 °) so you can take group selfies more easily but with a lower quality. The interesting thing about these cameras is the flash that illuminates both your face and the background and so you can avoid those selfies with a whiter and more reflective face than a traffic light. This is a very interesting solution but very far from perfect because the cliché is very noisy. However, it's the first phone that does such an interesting job in this regard.

The last thing to note is that Sony has, by far, the third best Android experience (first and second place for Pixel and Motorola respectively) of all the phones in this ecosystem. The interface of Sony is a breeze of the Rose of Guadalupe on the face in the middle of TouchWiz and EMUI.

The Bad Truth

Certainly it is one of the least attractive phones in the eye that I have tried in my life. The biggest weakness of the Sony XA Ultra lies in its design and construction. The phone has long since ceased to be a simple technology to accommodate a "status" in the world of fashion accessories that, one way or another, represents the style of the one who the door. However, Sony does not seem to have understood this when launching a phone that feels and looks huge in size and thickness. I have really struggled to get used to this heavy tank of war and I have nothing attractive about its color or design. The upper and lower bevels are giant (and this seems to have reduced them compared to previous models) and the rear curvature is a disadvantage, especially when you try to use the device on a hard surface like a table.

Another weakness The cell phone is in his main camera. This is very rare given the fact that Sony has had a great history in terms of cameras but the XA2 Ultra's camera is really at a disadvantage compared to other options on the market (even against the Moto E5 Plus). I find it very strange since this camera has an ISO of 12800, something really weird in a cell phone and especially in this range. For some reason the phone does not let you handle this ISO in its manual mode and it seems like it's a variable that the phone decides to use or not automatically when you're in low light situations and even there the photos at night are not decent at all. If the phone happens to break the ISO, you will get the most granular images in the entire spectrum of mobile cameras. The photos of this camera give faded colors, overexposed and very vague details. All this is aggravated by the lack of dynamic ranges. The HDR mode helps a little more but is buried in the menu options almost as if the company did not want you to find it since it is only possible to use it in manual mode.


It seems that the address that Sony takes is similar to that taken by Motorola when it was acquired by Google and the successful launch of Moto X. Sony abandons all innovation unnecessary and abandons the expensive aesthetics of design to focus on the production of phones. functional and competent for its users. The Sony XA2 Ultra is an excellent mid-range phone for those who want a phone that works and meets all the requirements. The camera can improve a lot with a simple software update, I'm sure it's a sensor with a lot of potential wasted by the software.

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