Naval School of Cartagena presents in Bogotá for Independence Parade: Naval School of Cartagena presents in Bogotá for Independence Parade | Cartagena


The Naval Cadet Academy "Almirante Padilla", is already in Bogotá to participate in the military parade of July 20 in the city of Bogota.

As tradition dictates, the men and women of the Navy go out on the streets to tell the citizens that in Colombia we are a unique force.

Rear-Admiral Francisco Cubides Granados will lead the Navy detachment, in which 15 officers and 384 students of the Navy's "Almirante Padilla" cadet battalion, will demonstrate the martial character that characterizes future officers of the Naval Institution.

Prior to Independence Day, and as part of the Patria Week 2018 programming, the Naval School will be present in several Shopping Centers in the city, with a special handling act and a interpretation of the bagpipe group.

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