Utility prices must be honest


ELINFORMADOR.COM.VE.- The constituent, oil expert and political badyst, David Paravisini, detailed that the debate in the Economics Committee of the National Constituent Assembly – ANC- should focus on the problem solving of exchange control and the entry into force of the new currency cone. " Measures that control the exchange rate but this measure can not be applied without a control action in the street and, as for the monetary cone, which must accompany these actions."

"As long as determining an action with regard to the exchange rate, it will not be possible to fix the prices of the products", said Paravisini in an interview to Venezolana de Televisión -VTV-

Paravisini said the priority is the issue of raging prices. " Foreign exchange control and currency strengthening and there we concentrate to produce the actions to completely reduce parallel change and go to the question of price control in the streets" [19659006] insists that to control prices and apply a new exchange rate "the prices of transport and utilities, such as electricity, water and gas, must be honest ".

He pointed out that problems related to monetary cone, exchange control, strengthening of the bolivar, price control and the question of production must be discussed. "These are not isolated measures and that is why we give them the complexity that these problems require."

He believes that the measures must be taken in an orderly manner. "There is a series of actions that must be taken in coordination."

Announced that the next week will be held several events in which the proposals of a group of Venezuelans will be presented to stop the indiscriminate rise in prices and speculation. "The commitment of the ANC Commission and the economy is to address this issue in a comprehensive manner and, as soon as possible, we will have well-badyzed proposals."

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