Al Tour is ideal for Colombians: the mountain


Colombian cyclists arrive at the mountain days of the Tour de France, starting on Tuesday, with a sweet and sour taste. On the one hand, Fernando Gaviria (Quick-Step) won two stages out of the nine disputed, but on the other hand, the main coffee drinks, like Nairo Quintana (Movistar) and Rigoberto Urán (EF Education) , exceed the 20th position. the general.

If you look at the half full bottle, Gaviria can become the first cyclist in the country to win three stages in the same edition of the Tour, but if it looks half empty, the main goal, which is the general It seems to be a little complicated.

"The race will decide," said Movistar's sports director Eusebio Unzué in December at the team's presentation, who asked who would be the leader of the training. Alejandro Valverde and Mikel Landa

To stick to these words of Unzué, Valverde, fifth overall, 1 minute and 31 seconds behind Belgian leader Greg Van Avermaet (BMC), and Landa, tenth to 1.42, can claim that they have more options than their Colombian teammate at that moment

Quintana, victim of a break in the first stage, is 21 °, 2.50 from the leader.

Landa fell into the stage on Sunday and had pain in the right shoulder, so Valverde is the one who best finished the first part of the race

Meanwhile Quintana

Whatever the case may be, Quintana, 28, twice second and third in the Tour, Although last year was twelfth, he still opts for the final victory and is the main Creole map in general.

After a day of rest Monday, the Alps will arrive from Tuesday, with the tenth stage between Annecy and Le Grand. Bornand, 158.5 km, with three ports of first and one of special category.

"I hope to recover in the mountains, the physical condition is very good," Quintana said.

The third Colombian option against the general, the young Egan Bernal (21), partner of Chris Froome in the sky, also experienced a fall in this stage of pavement. Sunday, wounding a finger and falling in the standings at position 58, at 17:52 of the first. This Monday, we knew that the Cundinamarca had not suffered a fracture.

The other three Colombians are further ahead with Fernando Gaviria (Quick-Step) in 78th place, 24:01, Daniel Martínez (EF Education) in 90, at 26:47, and Darwin Atapuma ( Emirates) at 115, at 32:43

In this way, Colombia begins the second week of competition with the main objective that Quintana and Urán enter the fight for the podium.

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