The former secretary of the MUD joins the platform of Soy Venezuela | NTN24


The former secretary of the coalition of parties of the Table of Democratic Unity (MUD), Teresa Albanés, joined the platform headed by María Corina Machado, Soy Venezuela.

The union takes place one year after Opponents commemorate the plebiscite, where 7,535,259 people voted yes; the rejection of the Constituent, at the request that the National Armed Forces (FAN) defend the Constitution and the approval of free elections.

"More fake dialogues, the mandate is one and the higher goal is Venezuela, we have the strength to take out the power of power, I am proud to have an integral woman like Teresa Albanians in Venezuela, "said Maria Corina Machado.

For his part, Albanian said: "It hurts to be in this divided place, but I am confident that this fracture will not last long."

NTN24 Venezuela

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