These mysterious "spiders" appeared on the surface of Mars


  The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured a curious image of the South Pole of the

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured a curious image of the South Pole of the "Red Planet", whose surface appears to be full of spiders – Photo : Twitter @NASA


The Mars reconnaissance orbiter (MRO) captured a curious image of the South Pole of the "Red Planet", whose surface appears to be full of spiders.

The photo taken on May 13, 2018, during the winter in the southern region of Mars, shows a ice cap with carbon dioxide covering the southern part of the planet.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) explains that the phenomenon of "areaniform terrain", d when the spider-shaped mounds are formed at the moment where the carbon dioxide ice under the surface is heated and released.

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The above generates the effect as if the arachnids were on Martian soil. This active seasonal process can not be seen on Earth.

Like dry ice on planet Earth, the ice of carbon dioxide on Mars sublimates itself by warming itself, that is, what happens L & # 39; US space agency details that with time the carbon dioxide trapped accumulates under pressure, then breaks the ice like a jet that erupts dust

In this way, the gas is released into the atmosphere and the darker powder may be deposited around the vent or carried by the wind to produce

The loss of carbon dioxide sublimated the leaves behind these characteristics similar to the spiders engraved on the surface of the "red planet".

So where are the spiders? On Mars! Our Mars Orbiter has taken this image of "areaniform terrain", radiating spider-like mounds that form when the Martian carbon dioxide ice heats up and releases each spring into a process not seen on Earth: https: //

– NASA (@NASA) July 15, 2018


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