Quintero aims to Japan, candidate to be the best in the world


FIFA chose 18 goals from the 2018 Russian World Cup and opened a vote on its website to choose the best. You can participate until Monday, July 23 .

(HERE you can enter to vote for your favorite goal)

Among the elected, the one who Juan Fernando Quintero scored with a free kick in Japan, in the first match from Colombia by the H group I find myself where the & # 39; Tricolore & # 39; fell 2-1 in his World Cup debut.

The two free kicks are remembered because the Colombian midfielder deceived the Japanese barrier who jumped to the ground ] entering the goal. Although the guardian of & # 39; Nippon & # 39; could have stopped it, it was too late because the balloon had already crossed the goal line.

Click here to see the goal of Juan Fernando Quintero against Japan The other World Cup goals that are on the list for users to vote, are the third of Cistiano Ronaldo in Spain, That of Nacho in Portugal, the of Modric in Argentina, of Kroos in Sweden, of Pavard in Argentina, others of Lionel Messi in Nigeria and Ángel Di María to France.

It should be remembered that four years ago, James Rodriguez was selected as the best of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil in addition to 39 years ago. to have won the Puskas prize in December of this year.

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