Summit between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump – United States and Canada – International


US President Donald Trump yesterday gave more credibility to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, than to his own intelligence services regarding Russia's alleged interference with Presidential elections of 2016 that took him to the White House and that Moscow denies

In the absence of agreements to promote the first formal summit between Trump and Putin – which began 50 minutes later late than expected – the issue of alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections overshadowed the country's other problems. Bilateral relations deteriorated and again showed the gap between the president of EE. UU and their own intelligence agencies.

"They told me (the intelligence agencies) that they thought it was Russia, and President Putin just told me that it is not Russia. I will say the following: I do not see why this should be, "said Trump, standing next to Putin, at a press conference at the end of his four-hour summit at Helsinki (Finland), in which the president of EE. UU tried to avoid physical contact with the President of Russia, who only gave him a handshake for two seconds.

Putin admitted that he wanted Trump's arrival at the White House to improve "battered" relations between the two countries, but denied any interference by the Kremlin in the elections . "I have great confidence in people of my intelligence, but I will tell you that President Putin has been extremely forceful in denying this," Trump said.

In addition, the President of the United States. UU He described as "ridiculous" the fact that the Kremlin ordered Russian citizens to hack Democratic Party computers to undermine Hillary Clinton's campaign, as the open investigation in his country confirms.

This was not the first time that Trump Putin's refusal on the guarantees of his own government, something that he has done several times before even coming to power clearly uncomfortable with the idea that an external actor could contribute to his rise to power in the United States.

But never before at a press conference with Putin and at a time when the investigation into the Russian conspiracy led by the special prosecutor Robert Mueller has gained strength, with the prosecution filed on Friday "The investigation (of Mueller) is a disaster for our country," said Trump in a new attack against this investigation, which is commonly referred to as "witch hunt" by Consider that she is politically motivated .

They told me (the intelligence agencies) that they thought it was Russia. And President Putin just told me that it is not Russia

"That kept us apart (in the US and Russia) .His had a negative impact on the relationship of the two largest nuclear powers in the world " lamented Trump.

The words of the US president generated the rejection of part of the American political apparatus. UU (see alternative note "Of" shameful "qualifies the president's attitude"). The Republican leader of the House of Representatives
Paul Ryan, asked the president to badume that Putin "is not his ally".

In addition, the director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, reiterated his conclusion that "Russia has been ingested" in the elections.

"We have been clear in our badessments of Russian interference in the 2016 elections and their ongoing and pervasive efforts to undermine our democracy," he said

Thawing in Relationships

] trying to look for a thaw in relations with Russia, ensuring that "even during the Cold War tensions, while the world was very different, Russia and the US have been able to to maintain a good dialogue. "

" Our relationship has never been worse than now, but it has changed over the last four hours " dared to venture to Trump. Putin, two of them in a solo meeting, accompanied only by their performers, in which Trump hopes to develop "an extraordinary relationship" with his Russian counterpart.

"Today's meeting (yesterday) is only the beginning of a longer process, but we have taken the first steps towards a better future", a- he stressed.

"The Cold War has ended a long time ago.The era of ideological antagonism between two countries already belongs to the past.The situation in the world has changed dramatically," said Mr Putin.


Trump downplayed the criticism he received in his country for not adopting a firmer stance towards Russia and insisted that wanting to approach is "good for the world".

On the issues that were on the table in Helsinki, such as the conflicts in Ukraine or Syria and nuclear disarmament, Trump spoke only in an approximate way.

Putin, for his part, insisted that the differences between Moscow and Washington are notorious, but stressed that there are areas such as the fight against terrorism, the nuclear disarmament and cybersecurity where both powers must cooperate.

With regard to Ukraine, he stressed that "Crimea is a closed question" for Russia, apart from any negotiating agenda, and asked Trump to influence the Ukrainian government for it to fulfill its part of the Minsk peace agreements. to the east of Ukraine


Trump and his wife Melania arrived in Helsinki on Sunday and started the day having breakfast with Finnish President Sauli Niinistö and his wife Jenni Haukio

"President Trump's stance on the Crimea is well known and maintained, and he talks about the illegality of the reunification of Crimea with Russia." We have another point of view. a referendum has taken place in accordance with international law, and for us it is a closed question, "he said.

In addition, Trump expressed his willingness to cooperate with Putin to "create security for Israel" in relation to the Syrian conflict.

In fact, at one point in the conference, Putin handed a ball to the 2018 Russian World Cup in Trump. "To the extent that the Syrian ball is on our side … Mr. President, you just said that we have successfully organized the World Cup, so I want to give it that ball. is on his side, "said Putin, who was referring to the statement of the US Secretary of State. UU., Mike Pompeo, who said that the ball of the end of the conflict in Syria is on the Russian side.

Finally, Trump badured that EE. UU It will "compete" Russia in its sales of gas and oil to countries like Germany.

Of "shameful" to describe the attitude of the president

"Dangerous and weak", "shameful", "on the brink of betrayal" were some of the comments generated in the US political scene the performance of the President of EE. UU., Donald Trump, at the press conference held yesterday in Helsinki, Finland, with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

Senate Democratic Party leader Chuck Schumer said Trump was "weak" towards an opponent like Russia. "Throughout the history of our country, Americans have never seen their president support an American adversary .UU how @realDonaldTrump supported President Putin," Schumer said on Twitter.

Legislators have not concealed their annoyance at Trump's move to accept Putin's statement denying any interference by Russia in the 2016 presidential election, as US intelligence services.
For Republican Senator John McCain, "the press conference in Helsinki is one of the most shameful representations of an American president" that we can remember.

"No president has been humiliated before McCain said:" I never would have thought that I would live to see an American president go on stage with a Russian president and blame the United States. UU for an attack on Russia. It's shameful " another Republican Senator, Jeff Flake, said on Twitter
Trump had gone to the summit accusing the" stupidity "of his predecessors of allowing bilateral ties to sink to current levels. [19659007] Democratic legislator Jimmy Gómez went further and noted that the president had reached the limits of "treason." "The partnership with Putin against US intelligence is disgusting; but not defend EE. UU He is on the verge of betrayal. All Americans should be concerned ", noted.


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