Criticism grows in Bucaramanga by the agreement of Japanese turf | Bucaramanga


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In the security cameras of the development of Villas del Prado has been registered the entrance of 39; a truck with official logos of the Bucaramanga Toilet Company (Emab), with a load of Japanese turf that, according to local residents, has been handed over to the owners of private property.

It is important to remember that, according to what was reported by the local government, between the mayor's office and the Emab, an inter-administrative agreement was concluded for the purchase and installation of more than 30 thousand square meters of grbad Japanese in 2018 for the installation of public green spaces and city parks.

"Seeing this has given rise to doubts because it is understood that the purpose to be given to this Grbad is for the beautification of parks, green spaces, or public spaces of the city. But what we have seen is that it has been given to private individuals to decorate private properties, "denounces a citizen of the residential sector, who has reserved his identity for him." 19659004 "" We understand that it is permissible to take the prairie application, but we know that this was not the case, "added the complainant.

" This is the first time "

According to the insured of the director of the Emab, José Manuel Barrera, it is the first time that a similar complaint is known.However, this fact suggests the lack of rigorous controls by the above-mentioned entity for the delivery and installation of such a lawn.

"This fact was somewhat eventual; we send a grbad trip, but how do we manage to control what is happening along the way? We need people to help us with their complaints, we have already made the decision to remove one of the workers involved and we have initiated a sanctioning process on the other, "said Barrera

Findings of the Controller

It is necessary to inform that in December of last year, the local controller did an express audit to identify any irregularities in the case. agreement signed between the mayor's office and Emab, for the installation of Japanese meadow in public scenarios

. the controlling entity made five observations, administrative, disciplinary and fiscal.

The most striking is that of a Japanese meadow "on cost per m2 installed" likely.

According to the Office of the Comptroller, while the Secretariat of Infrastructure pays the Emab $ 12,999 for the installation of one square meter of Japanese turf, the Cleaning Company acquires it at $ 6,400 m2

. at that time, the increase was justified by pruning, maintenance, fertilization, transportation and installation of the grbad in question.

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