They record more than 200 femicides in El Salvador until now in 2018


  violence, badaulted woman, machismo, femicide, el salvador,

Photo: Referential

San Salvador, July 17 (EFE) .- The security authorities of El Salvador registered [19659004]] 227 femicides were adopted between January and July 16, 1.3% more than 224 during the same period of 2017, police chief Howard Cotto said today. .

lose their lives in the hands of a macho and misogynist man, "said Cotto, who pointed to the installation of 31 police offices to serve the women victims of violence badist

The authorities recorded cases of femicide with high levels of violence in 2018 as that of young people Jocelyn Milena Abarca who was murdered and dismembered supposedly by her at the beginning of July

El Salvador is considered by Amnesty International ( AI ) as one of the most ] dangerous countries of the world for the women since only in 2016 and 2017 recorded rate of feminicides of 16 and 1 2 per 100,000 population, respectively, above what is internationally considered an epidemic.

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According to figures from a recently published public inquiry, over 67% of women of Salvador were victims of violence badist at some point in his life, while 33.8% suffered from this plague in the last twelve months. EFE

Feminicide or Femicide is a crime Hate whose goal is to murder a woman for the fact [19659006] The concept defines an act of maximum severity, in a cultural and institutional context of discrimination and gender violence which usually accompanies a set of actions extreme violence and dehumanizing contents, such as torture, mutilation, burns, cruelty and badual violence, against women and girls


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