Nearly 2,800 students from Valdivia return to school


Due to the decrease of the alert in some areas of influence of Hidroituango, the Departmental Secretariat of Education decreed the return to clbades of 2,800 students of four schools, which served as shelter for the evacuee population of the Puerto Valdivia corregimiento, North Antioquia.

To reconstruct the time in which clbades were not taught, the rectors of these educational institutions must present a new calendar of activities . Antioquia Education Secretary, Néstor David Restrepo Bonnett, suggested organizing courses on Saturdays and holidays . He said that students must complete the 40-week regulation.

"Rectors are obliged to submit a calendar that compensates for those clbades that have not been received as the Secretariat of Education, we propose dates such as Saturdays and Days holidays, but respecting and guaranteeing the autonomy of the institutions, we accept that they present us with a calendar, "said the official.

Ten schools continue with the suspended clbades by the emergency in the hydroelectric plant, which represents a population of 600 students affected.Restrepo Bonnett said that according to the concepts provided by the risk management authorities, the alert could be reduced and the clbades taken over

Albergue Valdivia
Of the 2,000 people who were in the hostels in Valdivia, only 32 remain in the main coliseum of the municipality. 16 families find it difficult to certify their status as affected because do not appear in the Unified Victim Registry or have problems with their identity documents.

The delegate of the National Risk Management Unit the municipality, Colonel Fernando Ortiz Paniagua, explained that the banks have not disbursed the grant to ten families, because the data cedulas do not coincide. Although field verification is advanced for it corroborates the badignment of another ten family nuclei.

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