Beware this July 27! You are ready to live the longest lunar eclipse of the century


One of the most beautiful and amazing phenomena is the lunar eclipse and this July 27 the world will experience a new event that will be the longest of the century.

The event, the second of the year, will last about four hours and will be visible in large parts of the world, including: Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, South America and the Middle East.

The whole, or when the shadow of the earth covers the moon and creates complete darkness, will last an hour and 43 minutes

Some places will have partial views of the eclipse: East Africa, the Middle East and some parts of Europe and Asia will have some of the best views of the moon, which will become red when the whole will begin to retreat. Americans

This lunar eclipse is special because of the duration. The moon will be at its farthest point of the earth, called the climax, during the eclipse. This will make it move slower than it was closer to Earth, so the entire eclipse will last longer than in other similar phenomena.

This lunar eclipse does not come alone, it will arrive the same day as the planet Mars reaches its opposition, when it will shine a great deal in the night sky. This month, Mars will be at its closest point to the Earth since 2003.

According to Minute 30 in Colombia, it will not be visible because it will be during the day of us; On July 27, 2018, the total eclipse of the Moon will start at 12:15, Colombian time

The maximum eclipse will occur at 3:22 pm when the Moon is at an altitude of -40 °; this event will end at 18:29 and will have a magnitude of 2,679 (this is the fraction of the Moon obscured by the dark entry of the Earth) and a threshold magnitude of 1609 (fraction of the moon obscured by the Umbra of Earth).

The total duration will be 5 minutes.


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