Trump runs to light while talking about intelligence services


Last Tuesday, as US President Donald Trump delivered a speech on intelligence agencies, the lights in the White House's clean room went out.

"Let me start by saying that once again, I have all the confidence and support of the US intelligence services.I have complete confidence in our intelligence services … "Trump said when the place was darkened by the blackout.

When the light was gone, the president quipped, "Oops! We have just turned off the lights. It must have been the intelligence services. "

As the lights went on, Donald Trump badured that everything was in order and commented that what had happened was something odd.

"It's here." All is well. "They're fine? Well, it's weird, but everything is fine," he said amidst the laughter of the media present.

  Trump is off talking about intelligence services

While President of the United States, Donald Trump Over intelligence organs, the lights of the White House play s 39; ; extinguished. (ARCHIVER)

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