Barranquilla is ready to go in Games Mode Central America – Barranquilla – Colombia


From Thursday, July 19 to August 3 will be held the XXXIII Games of Central America and the Caribbean Barranquilla 2018, a multi-sport event that takes place every 4 years since 1926 and is characterized by the fact that the countries of the region that includes Central America and the Caribbean Sea Basin.

Up to now, with 4 sites each, Mexico and Colombia are the countries that have most welcomed this event. And it is the second time that Barranquilla has been hosting these games since 1946.

For the city, these games become an introductory letter both in the sports field and in the cultural and sports field.

For Barranquilla Mayor Alejandro Char, Barranquilla is a growing city that is going through its best moments. With the lowest unemployment rate in Colombia and a significant drop in poverty rates.
For this reason, and beyond hosting a major sporting event, Barranquilla is sought to be an attractive place for international investment.

"But beyond sport, there is another purpose of these games, more strategic, which is to integrate the peoples of Central America and the Caribbean, it is a showcase important for the world to know the Barranquilla who grows up in gigantic stages, a city that is progressing, dreamy, and above all, capable of realizing its dreams.In addition, with these games, Barranquilla will become an epicenter of cultural exchange " said the president.

For its part, ProBarranquilla and Procolombia are working on a strategy that will make Barranquilla and Atlantic internationally an attractive territory for doing business, investing and living.

Visitors from Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica and Chile will arrive in the city to learn about the different positive aspects of the region in terms of investment, development, economy, culture and tourism.

The agenda will take place from July 18 to 22 and as part of the activities, participation in the inaugural evening of the Games of Central America and the Caribbean and visits to emblematic places of the city such as the Caribbean Museum, the Castillo de Salgar, the Marina of Puerto Velero, among others

Sports Scenarios

In the restoration and construction of more than 10 scenarios in which all delegations will participate, they represent an investment of About $ 500 billion. [19659002Lesscénariosquisedistinguentleplussontlessuivants:lestadedebaseballEdgarRenteríanomméenl'honneurdel'ancienjoueurdeliguemajeureÉdgarRenteríaconsidérécommelemeilleurjoueurdebaseballdetouslestempsaupays;etlestadedefootballRomelioMartínezuneétapequipendantdesdécenniesaétélamaisondel'équipelocaledelavilleJuniordeBarranquillaLesdeuxavecunecapacitéde11000spectateurs

  Begin of Games & # 39; Central America

Édgar Rentería is the most modern sports scene and most comfortable of Colombia and & One of the most important in Latin America.


Guillermo Gonzalez / EL TIEMPO

Other scenarios are: the modern stadium Julio Torres, one of the cradles of football in Colombia; the Rackets District Park, which recently hosted the Davis Cup; Rafael Cotes Athletics Stadium, Elias Chegwin Coliseum and Roberto Melendez Metropolitan Stadium.

First Competitions

There will be 16 days of intense action, during which approximately 5,400 athletes from 37 countries will seek to climb to the top of the podium and swim in the gold springs.

Table tennis competitions, starting at 8 am, at the Puerta de Oro Congress Center, where the Medal of Games Center is also located. Meetings will be held in the men's and women's branches.

At 10 am, in the modern stadium, the whistle that will trigger the women's game will sound. At that moment, the selected teams from Venezuela and Jamaica will be measured.

At the second hour, starting at 15:00, the hostess Colombia will establish her forces against Costa Rica.

From 10am, the dive test will start in the aquatic complex Eduardo Movilla. Spectators will be delighted with the trampoline, one meter, in the male and female branches.

From 14h, on the paradisiacal beaches of Puerto Velero, jurisdiction of Puerto Colombia, the first day of navigation will be filled, in the category of the races masculine and feminine.

It will be the Inaguration

Traveling in time is a pleasure that generates a flood of emotions and it is the bet for the first show of the Games of Central America and Barranquilla Caribbean 2018. Tomorrow, at the metropolitan stadium Roberto Melendez, just at 20:00 m., will start the show that counts with the Bogota artistic direction Jimmy Rangel.

The present of the Atlantic capital will be the starting point for what will count hundreds of dancers, among which are included 200 who have lived their artistic process in the cultural houses of the district.

In total, there are 800 artists who will march on the Gramado stage of Murillo Street and present to the world the result of a year of work, which has been the subject of a research rigorous.

The next step will be for the spectators at the origins of Barranquilla, this free site that has become a city enjoying the winds of the sea and the river.

On the road to choreography, light, music, lighting and other technical marvels, the spontaneity that stands out in the Caribbean must never be overlooked.
Here is how Valeria Abuchaibe and Ricardo Sierra, Kings of the Carnival 2018 will be represented.


Shakira took a break from his world tour "El Dorado". to sing at the inauguration of the 2018 Central America and Caribbean Games.

The closing of what should be a fact of never forgetting will be marked by a projection of what Barranquilla will be in In the year 2132.

Jimmy Rangel pointed out that the entire proposal has many theatrical and cinematic elements, relying on the participation in specific moments of symbols such as Paulina Vega Dieppa and Silvia Tcherbadi, which are decisive in the narration.

Regarding Shakira, the wait is at its maximum and we only know that the artist who taught the world how to dance in Barranquilla, will sing four songs. For the performer of "Pies Descalzos", the event will mark a tremendous meeting with his compatriots, in front of whom he has not sung since 2006.

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