"Venezuela is forced to move troops across its border": Diosdado


The President of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC) of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, declared Wednesday that Colombia is in the process of unprotecting the border with its country which, he badured that "paramilitary groups" and criminal gangs "make and break" in these territories.

"Venezuela is obliged to move troops across its border because Venezuela protects its borders, does not look like Colombia's border they have unprotected the entire border" said Cabello in the middle of his weekly program, which broadcasts VTV state television.

This alleged lack of protection makes the area between the two nations a "territory for paramilitaries to send and Bacrim groups (criminal gangs) to make and break with the people of Colombia," he added.

Cabello published these comments after recalling that the Lima group yesterday declared its "deep concern" for the reports that explain the mobilization of Venezuelan troops towards the border with the Colombia.

Ten of the 14 countries in the group then expressed "their deep concern for recent information on the mobilization of arms and fighter jets by Venezuela on the border with Colombia, actions that contradict the US". spirit of the Proclamation on Latin America as a zone of peace approved in 2014 by Celac. "

According to Cabello, the Lima group, criticizing the government of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, spoken this way because in the final declaration of the last meeting between Celac and the European Union "does not appear" the subject Venezuela "by nowhere".

"At this summit, the Lima Group took its case to Venezuela (but) nobody prevented it, in the final declaration, Venezuela appears nowhere, then they left, "he said. and Colombia shares a vast border of more than 2,200 kilometers with level crossings that show reduced mobility after the Maduro government closed the markets last August to try to control crime in the country. region, While

Despite the restrictions, at least 870,000 Venezuelans reside in Colombia to escape the severe economic crisis that the country is suffering with the greatest oil wealth on the planet, according to the director general of migration . Colombian, Christian Krüger Sarmiento.

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