Peru returns to the ranking of the best universities of Latin America 2018 | three | Society


Good news for Peru. The country returns to the 2018 ranking of the best universities in Latin America, with three institutions of higher education, two of which are entering for the first time.

The rankings in which they participated 129 universities were developed by the British magazine Times Higher Education (LE)

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The Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) is the best placed institution. place 18 .

In 2016, the aforementioned university ranked 25th, and in 2017 it was not considered because the data provided was insufficient.

In the position 41 is the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, which enters for the first time in the ranking of the British magazine. The study house shares its position with the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná in Brazil

The third Peruvian institution that is in the ranking and that enters for the first time, is the only one of its kind. Peruvian University of Science. Applied, which is in the band 101 +

It should be noted that the clbadification of 2018 covers 10 countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region, two more than last year, since Peru returns ] and Jamaica appear for the first time.

In addition, 129 institutions are included, compared with 82 last year. 49 entered for the first time.

Brazil in the lead

Brazil has six of the top 10 places, with two universities elite in the first two places. Its Campinas State University (Unicamp) remains in the first place for the second year in a row, while the University of São Paulo, which maintains its second place, leads the general list in research.

Meanwhile, Chile retains its place as the second most represented nation, with 26 universities adding eight more this year. Meanwhile, Colombia is the fourth most represented country in this year's rankings, with 19 institutions, eight more than last year.

See ranking at the following link: Times Higher Education

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