The new philosophy of life of Rigoberto Urán that will make him stronger in the Tour


This Thursday, the current finalist of the world's largest cycling competition was forced to leave the race because of the pains that plagued him as a result of the fall of last Sunday in the pavement phase. Life goes on.

"Millet, the past has already disappeared, the future we do not know, the only thing we have is today" says Rigoberto Urán, who, on the 1st of January, has gone over the counter of his career. He went to zeros. Gone was the finalist of the 2017 Tour de France, which was one of the happiest moments of his life.

Read more: Rigoberto Urán leaves the Tour de France

And was he one of the favorites of the current gala tour? I did not know, the future is unknown. There is only one certainty in his life: the present. And despite the retirement of this Thursday of the Tour, competition which took a year of preparation, because of the pains that afflicted it by the fall of last Sunday at the stage of the pavement, knows that the life follows.

And, exactly, a year ago, they were finishing it already. It was said that his golden years were a thing of the past. His silent work paid off and he finished second in the world's biggest cycling competition. Rigo won the country at the end of his joy

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For sportsmen, it's a monologue, a commonplace. The most prostituted answer: "Go, day after day." But Rigoberto Urán really feels every word.

"The sub-championship of Tour was last year, I do not run with my titles, that does not mean that I forget them. Asked: "Will you win the tour of France?" And I would say to them, "I have no idea. I'm trained for that. I'll arrive with enthusiasm, but I'm not sure. It's better to live from day to day, to have some savings there. It's not that I spend all that (laughs).

Lea: Bad day for the Colombians of the Tour

The native of Urrao, 31, arrived at the Tour of France with 5,865 kilometers spread over 37 days of official competitions. His podium is distinguished in the race of Colombia Oro y Paz and his second place in the Slovenia Tour.

"When you are on the podium it is beautiful. We are paid for the results, but here the most important thing is to enjoy" underlines the head of Education First Cannondale .

So, what is happiness? he antioqueño? "It can not depend on results, it's not what makes you happy, there are more important things: health, family, you get paid to win, when we go with this commitment we do not like how beautiful the present is, because we have thought about the future. "

This is the fifteenth participation of Rigoberto Urán in one of the big three of cycling. He has been podium three times because he has held second place in the Giro d'Italia 2013 and 2014 and in the Tour 2017.

He experienced a family atmosphere in his team, on Education First-Drapac Cannondale . A team formed exclusively to support the Colombian. The gesture of his compatriot Daniel Felipe Martínez, in the fifth stage after a mbadive fall, speaks of the union of the group. The Bogotano did not hesitate to give his bike to Rigo and it was even him who pushed him to give him momentum.

"Cyclists are like the stock market: we go up and down the price, we depend on the results, but we are people who can only have good years . tight times without a podium, and that does not mean we're done, because we're still training, "he said a few months ago. [19659018] "I understand the Colombian people, they make us very strong, they are thanked, and sometimes what they want is that we are ahead." But we are human beings: we are Let's get tired, unwell, we get sick and we can not always win.What I'm asking you to do, is not to judge when the results are not given. If we keep rolling, it's because we do it with pbadion, and then the triumphs will come in. But I also understand: Colombians want you to be ahead The advice I give them is that everything in life requires sacrifice, but the most important thing is to take advantage of it. It does not do anything because it's fashionable or because everyone else does it. "

With the good results of Colombian cycling over the last five years, he calls on beetles to continue to to grow up. "It's a pity that the country does not have ProTour team because talent is what it is. We are still protagonists in the Giro the Tour the Vuelta and the clbadics. "

We did not give him things and even though cycling is his life, he does not get angry with the defeats." For him, there was only one thing important: to enjoy Much to learn

Thomas Blanco – @thomblalin

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