Google Maps: the embarrassing scene with two men from the United States | PICTURES | Photo 1 of 4 | Technology | Google


The application Google Maps is characterized by being very useful when one needs to find a certain place. However, it has become very popular also to capture all kinds of uncomfortable and unexplained situations that become viral on the Internet.

On this occasion, there is a case involving two men from the United States. They were walking in a park when they were immortalized in a photograph that caused various reactions among users of Google Maps .

As you can see, it seems that the subject has fallen on a low fence. Fortunately, his friend, or who could be a witness of the fact, showed his willingness to help in the accident.

On the other hand, we could not confirm if the protagonist of this capture made in Google Maps was not injured after the fact. For their luck, the impact seems to have been mild enough because it happened on the grbad

This is not the first time that the service card service camera Popular records an uncomfortable moment for someone. And it is that Google Maps usually captures a large number of people in compromising situations: from simple trips to violent falls of bicycles.

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