CDMX government reports white balance after earthquake of magnitude 5.9


After the earthquake at 08:31 hours of magnitude 5.9 with epicenter southwest of Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca, the capital of the country did not register any casualties or property damage, informed the Government of Mexico.

a statement, said that after carrying out the revision protocol through the overflight in the Condor group helicopters headed by the head of government, José Ramón Amieva Gálvez, and the examination of video surveillance cameras of the Command, Control Center, Computing, Communications and Citizen Contact of the CDMX (C5) and receive reports of emergency services, security and mobility, among others, the balance is white

The earthquake of magnitude 5 , 9 was almost imperceptible in the CDMX

"So it was determined that the buildings being demolished are without problems.For ongoing demolitions, the protocol was applied, from so that the workers were expelled and reported without incident.In the work on the high viaduct, there were no problems nor the urban highways, "said the government of the capital.

"Added to this, without novelty and with normal functions by the CDMX Water System (SACMEX), It also reported that the collective transport system (CTS) in all stations and lines of the network offered a service and functioned normally and that it was working in the extension of line 12 in the tunnels, also did not post badignments.

Earthquake of 5, 9 leaves minor damage in the Mixtec region of Oaxaca

He added that the electric transport system indicates that after its protocol of revision in the Trolleybus and Light Rail lines, they are already functioning normally

Meanwhile, the hospitals of the Ministry of Health (SEDESA) do not report any damage, in the Centers of the System for the Integral Development of the Family of the City (DIF-CDMX) ega without incident and pending; penitentiary centers reported without incident and there were no relevant emergency appeals in 911.

The Secretariat of the Rural and Community Equity Brigades ( SEDEREC) indicates that in San Gregorio Atlapulco and San Luis Tlaxialtemalco Zona Chinampera without incident. 19659005] The modules of the hydro-agricultural boom in Tláhuac Mixquic Paso del Toro and Tequesquite also have no impact

Puebla's civil protection reports the white balance after the earthquake of 5.9

[19659005] The Civil Defense Secretary of Mexico City, Fausto Lugo García, stressed that the services function normally without reporting failures.

The earthquake was visible in the city center corresponding to the lake area of ​​the city, which could be observed evacuation of buildings by the population.

Seismological explanation explains why certain alerts did not sound

The Government of Mexico City indicated that it is essential to report the situations in which they are located. emergency after an earthquake, as well as to notify if there is structural damage to a property, or if the colony has not activated the seismic alert, to the corresponding authorities communicating to 911, to the App 911-CDMX or the Secretariat of Civil Protection on phone 56 83 22 22 and Twitter @SPCCDMX; in addition to being aware of the official notices in @ C5_CDMX and those issued by the government of the capital

With the information of the government of CDMX

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