Electoral Council issued credentials for new members of Congress – Congreso – Elecciones Colombia 2018


Less than 24 hours before the start of the Congress term, the National Electoral Council (CNE) issued Thursday the credentials for new members of the Legislative.

This time the great novelty is that ] was to "badign" the 10 seats of the party Farc (5 in the House and 5 in the Senate) and Gustavo Petro second of the presidential vote, and that of his vice-presidential formula, Ángela María Robledo. [19659004] According to the scrutiny, in the Senate, the Democratic Center remains with 19 seats, the radical change with 16, the conservatives with 14, the same as "the U"; greens with 9, pole with 5; and with 3, the Mira, the Colombia Justa Libre and the honest ones.

In the House, the Liberals won 35; the 32 Democratic Center, Radical Change stayed with 30, the U with 25, the Conservatives with 21 and the Green Alliance with 9. For its part, the Polo, the Citizen's Choice and the Decency List in will each have 2, With the 1st, the Movement Justa Free of Mira and Colombia, the But and the Santandereana Alternative Coalition 1.

The CNE authorized the credentials of Jesús Santrich, a member of the FARC arrested for trafficking drugs and Aida Merlano, a conservative arrested by corruption to subragante. The decision was made because there is no conviction against him, but this fact alone does not allow them to take up their duties for them.

Although there were no major developments with what had been defined in the pre-count of March 11, it was confirmed that Colombia Justa Libres movement retains three seats in the Senate.

Another significant fact is that Senator Antonio Guerra de la Espriella, of Cambio Radical, who in principle had managed to keep his seat, lost it at the last moment with the ex- wife Ana María Castañeda.


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