The 2018 Ecuador Cycling Tour will begin at Coca


Del From October 6th to October 13th will take place the 19459004 edition of the Cycling Tour in Ecuador.

The competition, the most important of ] national cycling has not been achieved in the past three years. Pedro Rodríguez who won the Tour of Ecuador in 1998 1990 1991 1993 and 1995 badume the organization for 2018.

Yesterday, in the capital, the presentation of this event which began on October 5 with the technical congress was made. The next step will be the first step between Coca and Tena of 180 km, in Amazonia .

On October 7, two half-steps will be developed. First stage between Tena and Puyo and the team time trial.

In the third stage a circuit will be realized in Salcedo (Cotopaxi) of 80 km

The fourth stage will leave in Boliche and culminate in Quito . The riders will travel 80 km in total.

In the fifth stage the caravan will depart from Quito to Cotacachi to cover 135 km.

On October 11, there will be another circuit, this time to Ibarra about 80 km

On October 12, the seventh stage of Cotacachi in Huaca will be completed, of 136 km [19659014FinallyonOctober13twosemistageswillbemadein Tulcán . First, an individual time trial of 15 km and a 60 km urban circuit.

The most difficult thing for Pedro Rodríguez was to obtain funding. "We are asking the help of mayors and prefects to help us finance the accommodation and stay of cyclists in the cities where the Vuelta will pbad," he said.

Confirmed the presence of teams from Colombia among them, the team Medellín to which belongs Jonathan Caicedo, who was this year second Vuelta in Asturias and third in Vuelta in Madrid .

The team GW Shimano and that of Fundación Arwin Atapuma of Nariño .

Other participations will also be those of the selections of ] Argentina Chile Costa Rica and Dominican Republic . By Ecuador will be the Team Ecuador Led by Byron Guama Four-time winner of the Tour of Ecuador: 2004 2008 2010 2012 .

Before, Guamá will participate in the rounds of Portugal and Guatemala .

The team will also be Prefecture of Carchi led by Jorge Montenegro Bolivarian champion.

The Tims Eagles Bike of Imbabura is ready for the Vuelta. It is headed by Sebastián Rodríguez with the experience Segundo Navarrete .

There will also be Saite teams and the 53-11 team led by Marco Pita.

According to Pedro Rodríguez on Vuelta al Ecuador will be realized with the participation of 100 pedalers .

Juan Carlos Pozo won in 1945 the Vuelta al Ecuador . Since then, the Ecuadorian Federation has not organized this traditional competition.

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