Ecopetrol revealed the causes of oil outcrops in the Lisama well


Ecopetrol submitted to the authorities the technical report on the critical factors that caused and caused the exposure of crude oil at a site located 230 meters from the well Lisama 158, which was registered on March 2 in the corregimiento of La Fortuna, municipality of San Vicente de Chucurí, department of Santander

After badyzing the background of Campo Lisama and the chronology of the incident, the report concludes that four critical factors were presented, all of which are necessary to cause outcropping. If none of them had been presented, the event would not have taken place, which makes it possible to clbadify it as atypical, unpredictable, of multiple causes, extraordinary and with quasi probabilities. non-existent to be repeated in the future.

The report establishes the following four critical factors that converged concomitantly to cause the event:

A reservoir of natural overpressure conditions (4,850 PSI). In November 2017, when the well intervened (which was suspended to define its eventual reactivation or its permanent abandonment), there was a fall of a section of piping at the bottom of it, which caused the rupture of the well. "Plug" a plug or barrier that prevents reservoir fluids from reaching the wellhead Activities in which the material fell were performed by a contractor. Ecopetrol brought a lawsuit against this company in the administrative court of Cundinamarca.

The failure or failure of the "shutter" caused an unanticipated influx that required control of the injection of fluids at a pressure of 1,250 PSI. generate the loss of mechanical integrity in the production coating of 9 5/8 ", affected by corrosion.This situation was highlighted in a hole 6 inches in diameter, at a depth of 961 feet, identified to the recordings and badyzes made after the event.

Presence of a natural system of geological faults in this area, called La Salina, which, added to the other factors, allowed the well fluids to migrate through these faults and rise to the surface.

Exposure time of formations greater than the overpressure of the reservoir, which contributed to the fact that in a site near the well Liquids will emerge, a mixture of water, mud, crude oil and gas.
The integral attention and recovery plan of the area allowed the adequate return home of all those temporarily relocated; conditio ns environmental zone; cleaning water sources, which today have no crude oil; and the development of a social and environmental investment plan to stimulate economic activity in the region and improve the living conditions and the well-being of its inhabitants.

A mission of international experts of the UN, convened by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, considered that it was an event having a "medium or medium-low" environmental impact and that the service plan put in place by the company was adequate and complete.

Ecopetrol reports that on July 11, 2018 The work of technical and definitive abandonment of well Lisama 158 resulted


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