The director of Dian de Maicao was threatened with a grenade


Official Fabián Darío Ferreira Alvarado escaped unscathed from a gun attack while traveling to Riohacha in his vehicle with the bodyguards.

The director of Maicao Dian Fabián Darío Ferreria Alvarado, who had not been the victim of an attack in Riohacha, had already been threatened in May this year, when a fragmentation grenade and a brochure were found at the headquarters of this organization.

The commander of the Maicao Special Police District, Colonel Germán Giraldo, reported that the explosive device was active, but that gunpowder was defeated.

In the booklet, you can read "taking into account the abuses you wanted to have against our people we see ourselves in the obligation of retaliation directly against your integrity."

For this reason, the official he was protected from the Protection Unit, when he was shot at 10:45 am on Thursday morning while he was in the vehicle in which he was on the road that leads to Santa Marta.

According to the police, Ferreira was accompanied by his escorts, when two subjects riding a black motorcycle shot him eight times several times, presenting an exchange of fire with the personnel of the motorcade. UNP. "With the help of vehicle armor, this criminal action manages to escape and the offenders leave the place, without any casualties," says the police institution.

He adds that investigations are ongoing "to identify the perpetrators of this fact.Of course, a commission of the institution began the work of collecting probationary material as well as the film material of security cameras from the sector to find the fate of these criminals. "

According to this media, the director of Dian Il traveled to the country's capital the day after the attack.

The Dian through his twitter account was pronounced on the fact and wrote "the diancolombia #Rechaza the attack made to the Director of Sectional #Maicao Fabián Ferreira".

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