Antanas Mockus dropped his pants at Congress – Congress – Politics


The incident occurred in the middle of the installation of the new legislative period

  Antanas Mockus

Antanas Mockus, at the moment when he dropped his pants in Congress.


20th of July 2018, 18:46

Senator Antanas Mockus (Green Alliance), the second most voted in the country in the last general election in March, dropped his pants this afternoon, in full enclosure, during the inaugural session of Congress.

On Twitter are circulating images and videos of the moment of the incident, in which Mockus drops his pants in Senate plenary, in front of the table.

The outgoing Speaker of the Senate, Efraín Cepeda, pronounced his farewell speech when suddenly, without saying anything, Mockus went to the front of the room and lowered his trousers, turning his back on the entire membership. the Legislative.

The first interpretation of the reason for this fact is that Mockus wanted to protest because those attending the session did not allow the Speaker of the Senate to make his last speech.

After a few seconds of staying with his pants kneeling and showing his bare bottom, Mockus sat up, adjusted his pants and returned to his place.

  Antanas Mockus

Antanas Mockus, as he lowers his pants


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