Uribismo and its allies won the first battle in Congress – Congress – Politics


The Democratic Center (CD) finally won the presidency of the Senate on Friday after a week of intense political battle in which former presidential candidate Germán Vargas, in alliance with the "U". , reappeared behind the scenes for uribismo leadership in the Legislative ..

Congress that began yesterday work, for not having political parties traditional representation in the cabinet of President Iván Duque (of the CD), could take a new dynamic in the political debate, with more independent decisions.

Just as the ruling party (CD) managed to get a comfortable majority to elect Ernesto Macías as Speaker of the Senate – which can not be understood as a coalition in all cases of government – the bloc of the opposition formed by the Green Alliance and the leftist sectors, including the FARC, also remained firm

. The parties in this struggle for control of Congress – represented in the election of councils – were the culmination until yesterday.

Finally, the presidency of the Senate was held by Ernesto Macias (of the CD) and the House. of representatives, in the hands of Alejandro Chacón, of the Liberal Party.

But reaching these two names was not a simple task. Until yesterday, a few hours before the installation of Congress, several political sectors continued to make inquiries, take accounts and even promote other names, to preside over Congress first. year.

The offer, in fact, was given between two powers that will surely continue to move into Congress in the next four years: the Democratic Center and its leader, ex-president Álvaro Uribe and Germán Vargas Lleras, and presidential xcandidato who reappeared in the political scene behind the scenes – to demand the high vote of Cambio Radical on March 11.

The novel began last Tuesday, when Cambio Radical and "the U" went into rebellion for alleged abuses of the Democratic Center and the conservative and liberal parties by the division of presidencies of the Senate and House and constitutional commissions .

Vargas Lleras – via Cambio Radical – and the Senator of U. Roy Barreras showed and the disagreement that the Uribistas and their allies were left with all the charges and n & rsquo; Did not respect their votes in the last legislative elections.

The crisis led to the new government, led by the appointed Interior Minister, Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez, had to intervene in the process, carry the message to the rebels that President Duque wanted an "institutional" dialogue with parties and try to calm the waters.

the group of Uribistas, conservatives and liberals had to moderate their position and call a meeting with the rebels to make them a new proposal, which was going to be signed the same night, at the headquarters of the democratic center. 19659003] On Thursday, some areas of Cambio Radical and 'U', after which Vargas Lleras himself, hardened his position and began ringing the name of Senator Germán Varón Cotrino to oppose the Uribismo group and his allies and try to snatch them the presidency of Congress in the first year. To achieve this goal, these sectors were determined, even, to seek the support of the left, who was ready to help.

But an attack from Uribe that managed to attract senators from Radical Change and 'U Finally, the delegates of Cambio Radical and the U ended up signing the agreement with the Center Democratic and conservative and liberal parties around noon yesterday, two hours before the congressional session will begin, and the Ernesto Macías Uribista will be elected as the first president of the Congress

The agreement that put an end to the tensions gave the Senate presidency to the Democratic Center the first year, then the Liberals will follow, Radical Change and finally the Conservatives.

On the sides of the House, the Liberal Party will be the first year; Radical change, in the second; the Conservative Party, in the third, and the Democratic Center, in the fourth.


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