The four reasons for the Lizama spill 158


Four months after the oil spill in the Lizama well 158, Ecopetrol announced that four factors generated the emergency that spread about 20 kilometers to La Fortuna, Santander.

In the oil report, delivered to control agencies and environmental authorities, we read that after badyzing the oil context and the chronology of this emergency, the four reasons are related and that "if no n & # 39; Had been presented, the event would not have occurred, which allows it to be clbadified as atypical, unpredictable, extraordinary and with almost non-existent probabilities of repetition "(see parentheses).

The first reason that the company says has to do with this in November of last year, when the well intervened, after having suspended to define its "eventual reactivation or abandonment", a pipeline fell, which caused the rupture of "bl" a plug or barrier that prevents the tank fluids from reaching the wellhead.

In addition, l & # 39; company explains that these works were prepared s by a contractor, so he filed "a lawsuit against For the second reason, he explains that when the cap was broken, it occurred an unexpected flow that caused the loss of mechanical integrity of the production coating because it was corroded.

"This situation was highlighted in a hole six inches in diameter, at a depth of 961 feet."

The presence of geological faults in the area, added to other factors, was the third reason, because it allowed the fluids.

The last condition was related to the exposure time of "formations superior to the overpressure of the deposit", which allowed the grout, water, mud, oil and gas to rise to the surface and extend over about 20 kilometers, affecting the flora, fauna and work of the fishermen and inhabitants of the region.

Johana Andrea Velásquez Master in Ecosystem Restoration from the University of Alcalá (Spain), points out that companies must constantly monitor their conduction conduits and infrastructure in general, to avoid situations such as this, although unpredictable, is recorded again in the future in the country.

The expert recalls that with "with a single drop that spills out" the effect is direct on the water resource and the environment.

] Finally, Ecopetrol indicated that the final abandonment of the well had occurred on July 11th.

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