Juan Manuel Santos yesterday at the Congress


Colprensa | THE PATRIA | Bogota

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos yesterday asked new members of Congress, as well as his successor, Iván Duque, to take care and defend the peace obtained with the FARC guerrillas, represented for the first time times in The Senate and the House

"Take care of the peace that is born, take care of it, defend it, fight it, because it is the most precious good that it is. a nation can have, "said the head of state. of the installation of the Congress elected on March 11.

Santos, who will deliver the post on August 7, added that the Congress and the Duke should take care of the peace so that "it grows strong, so that it bears fruit … Because the Colombia deserves to live in peace! "

One Step Further

Of the 108 Senators and 169 Representatives in the House who sat yesterday in the elliptical hall of the Capitol and to whom Santos referred, there were 10 members of the FARC that the old guerrillas was transformed after the signing of the peace agreement of November 2016.

Dressed in a suit and a set of bills to present at the Congress, several former FARC guerrillas arrived at the capital. seats in the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Among those who came first to take office were Carlos Antonio Lozada and Sandra Ramírez, who will be going to the Senate. With them, Jairo Quintero, Luis Alberto Albán, known as Marcos Calarcá, Byron Yepes, Olmedo Ruiz and Sergio Marín, who will sit in the House of Representatives.

"With joy and optimism, we came to Congress to work for life, peace, democracy and the rights of Colombians," said Lozada

. For the FARC, the Senate was also appointed by this party Pablo Catatumbo, Victoria Sandino and Benkos Biohó, the latter replacing Iván Márquez.

Márquez preferred to settle with other former guerrillas in the rural area of ​​Miravalle (Caquetá), to protest the arrest in Bogotá of his companion Jesús Santrich, required to extradite him to the United States accusing him of conspiring to send cocaine into this country.

Santrich, who went to the House of Representatives, will not do it when he will be in prison, which Marin will badume.


The President welcomed them by installing the last legislature at the head of the state. "Farc Party Congressmen: Now that you have laid down your arms, now that you have agreed to contribute to the truth and benefit from transitional justice, now that you have sworn to respect our Constitution and the standards and principles of our republic, welcome to this temple "In his speech, the president pointed out that the Congress that will dictate the laws for the next four years is a pluralist and pluralist congress with a balance between the political tendencies of right, center and left, with all its nuances

"In my case – and I am sure that it is shared by millions of Colombians – it fills me with satisfaction that those who for more than half a century are fighting with weapons at the same time. State and its institutions, today they submit to the Constitution and laws of Colombia, as we all do, "he said.

The President added that it "is full of hope that under the commitment to appear before the Special Justice for Peace (…) new members of Congress and FARC party members will fill the promise that has been expressed so many times by their leader Rodrigo Londoño: From now on, his only weapon will be the word. "

For Peace

Santos also urged the Congress and the Duque government to continue the correct implementation of the agreement, because what is committed is not the word of the President, but the It reminds that the Congress approved the peace agreement final, a decision that was ratified by the Constitutional Court which then indicated that the institutions and state authorities have the obligation to comply in good faith with the provisions of the agreement

"C & Is the word contained in an agreement known, approved and celebrated by the community international news, which is outstanding, very much in abeyance, as they have already told the elected president, "Santos added:

He immediately said that if we persist in trying to change substantial points in the Agreement, we run the risk of ruining governance and wasting congress time in this effort. no need to change the past, instead of engaging in the positive task of building a better future on the basics of reconciliation that he has left sitting.

President-elect declared that the peace agreement needs changes and that he will promote them Congress

"We can not fail to peace! We can not fail the world! We can not miss the victims! We can not miss the future of Colombia, and the right of our children and grandchildren to live in a country without conflict, in a normal country! ", Stressed Santos.

Before the end of his term, Santos said goodbye to Congress with the reiteration that he is returning to his status as a private citizen, removed from politics.

Bank of the Farc

In the Senate

Iván Márquez, Pablo Catatumbo, Sandino Victoria, Carlos Lozada and Sandra Ramírez

In the House

Byron Yepes, Jairo Quintero, Marco Calarcá, Sergio Marín and Olmedo Ruiz

With Eln

The President, Juan Manuel Santos, badured In matters of peace, his government leaves the process with the ELN, talks taking place in Havana.

"Even today, we are making the latest attempts to be able to deliver to the next government a verifiable ceasefire and a framework agreement – the other items on the agenda. If we can not sign them before August 7, they will be very advanced, "he said.

He again dropped his trousers

Senator Antanas Mockus yesterday pants during the inaugural session of Congress in protest because the parliamentarians did not paid attention to the speech of the outgoing president of the upper house, Efraín Cepeda

The incident occurred while Cepeda took stock of his term as president of the Senate. after the departure of the president, Juan Manuel Santos

"Forgive me the repetition, but I could not think of anything better at the moment.This is a custom that must be changed, the customs are sometimes changed with specific interventions that try to be educational, "said Mockus explaining his conduct.

Interior Minister Guillermo Rivera, who sat in the front row, said, "We understood it as a wake-up call," says Rivera

. This is not the first time that Mockus indulged in this kind of acts because in October 1993, he also shows his bad to the students of the National University, Bogota, which was then the rector .

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